Wandering down the street, the two peer into the various windows of the town. Stopping in front of a window loaded with imported obects d'art from various exotic countries, Horus spends some time looking at the foreign items. His face darkens momentarily. Ma mere used to send me things like this.
"Da, it can be complicated... though I am knowing satyr back in St. Petersburg that had two girlfriends living with him and was known to be sleeping around. It can work but is not being for everyone."
Alexi then smirks, "As for wanting to be in group sex; I might be able to be arranging that with a couple others at the school. As for details of my sexual escapades, if you want all the details I will happily be telling you all."
Alexi is happy to lay next to the other boy in the grass. He looks up at the sky above. "We should picnic here or in woods near school sometime. Be bring finger type foods that can being feed to each other. I am thinking that would be nice sometime."
Horus lays nex to his boyfriend and gazes at the clouds above. "Look....that one looks lile a satyr and an eshu in a hot tub!" Horus points at a cloud and nudgles Alexi in the side.
"Yeah that would be very nice. Maybe start out early in the morning and hike some place. I wonder if there are any tall hills around here that they would call a mountain?"
Alexi chuckles at the comment Horus makes about the cloud. "They would not be knowing mountains around here, they have never being to the Ural Mountains." He turns on his side to look at his boyfriend. He smiles. boyfriend... I like that. "We would not be able to be doing it till after competition, but perhaps a Saturday or Sunday after that would work, da?"
Horus turns on his side to look at Alexi. "Or the Alps, or the Pyrinees, or the Hymalayas, or the Andes. But maybe a tall hill." Horus thinks for a minute. "Do we want to do this alone or should we see if others want to come along?"
"And as for being with more than one person, I meant sexulaly. I'd think romantically would get very complicated."
Alexi then smirks, "As for wanting to be in group sex; I might be able to be arranging that with a couple others at the school. As for details of my sexual escapades, if you want all the details I will happily be telling you all."
"Yeah that would be very nice. Maybe start out early in the morning and hike some place. I wonder if there are any tall hills around here that they would call a mountain?"
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