May 31, 2009 13:37


Rowan is a fantasy world populated with all sorts of fantasy creatures.


The gate is a twisted old Rowan tree, set by itself in a field. When closely examined, the tree seems relatively normal, though its wood is very smooth. It is also clearly dead, and has been so for some time.

The tree is impervious to damage. If you attempt to use weapons or magic against the tree, a sort of invisible field neutralizes the attack before it can ever touch the bark.

The tree is on an island in the middle of a vast lake. A single spire of land leads back to the mainland, and Jhelbor.

A winding dirt path leads from the gate to Jhelbor, the abandoned city.


The city itself is built at right angles. Square buildings are arranged in a coherent grid pattern, in standardized shapes and sizes. The lowest level of the city appears to be primarily for transportation via carriage or cart. Several meters above this level, there is a wooden walkway level that appears to be for pedestrian traffic. This is the main level of the city. All building's main entrances will be off of the walkway level.

All buildings are also accessible from the lower level, though primarily for deliveries.

The city itself has clearly been through hell. It's endured a hurricane that lasted for weeks and a battle that involved a lot of magic being thrown around. Parts of the wall are collapsed, and so are many of the buildings; what isn't collapsed has a lot of water-damage. And yet, things are being rebuilt. People are relatively cheery.

The apartments provided are very simple. The first room has a bed, a hearth, and a table and chairs; there is a doorway to what's essentially an indoor privy. There is running water.

The city is divided into territories; Northwest is mostly Goblin, Northeast is mostly Demon, Southeast is mostly Human, and Southwest is mostly Elf. Worldwalkers mostly stay in the buildings closest to the city center.

Rowan currency is the drem - 1 drem, multiple dremlin - which is about equivalent to one American dollar.


The forest stretches in a long arc around the gate and the city. If explored, it quickly proves tangled and near-impassable. The farther away from the path, the harder it is to find the way back out; if the forest in question is to the north or the west of the city, losing sight of the edge of the forest means entering a labyrinth that is extremely difficult to leave.

Characters can sense the direction of the Rowan Tree (the Gate) constantly while in the forest. However, trying to get out by using that sense will prove impossible, as the forest tangles itself, rearranges paths, and purposefully twists characters out of their way. Willingly going backwards, and abandoning finding the way out, will lead characters to the End of the World. Similarly, entering from the other end and willingly giving up their destination will allow characters to leave the forest.

While in the forest, characters may encounter dryads, beings driven insane by the labyrinthine nature of the place where they live.

If your character ventures in and goes exploring, or wishes to talk to the dryads, please talk to the narrators.

To the South and East of the city, the forest is passable; there is also a road that cuts down towards the southeast, if characters wish to follow it.


The End of the World is the name for the border that stretches around the entire land of Rowan. This world is rectangular, like its map, and has a concrete border that is impassable.

On the far side of the forest to the North and West of the city, the End of the World can be found. It is featureless and grey, and difficult to look at directly. If touched, it has the consistency of jello, but does not give under pressure. The harder it's hit, the harder your fist rebounds from it.

Once a character have reached the end of the world once, they will always be able to find the closest point to them on the border of Rowan.


Demon territory encompasses most of the Northern border of Rowan, sprawling through a long, icy mountain range. They have several cities, including the capital Ulrich, the mountain city Kingstown, and the southern, more anarchist city Baku City. Demon cities are constructed in the same manner as Jhelbor, with cookie-cutter, square architecture, and identical buildings.


Elf territory is to the south of Jhelbor, along the west border of Rowan. This is mostly dense forest, growing more and more ancient the further west it runs. Elf cities are usually built into the trees themselves, and, if not, the design is elegant, engineered to perfection, and at harmony with nature. As elves are a hunter-gatherer society, there are no farms along this stretch of territory.


Human territory is as-yet unexplored by the worldwalkers.

There is a desert in the south, and an area within it commonly called the siren's basin. This area is cursed, casting disorientation and confusion on anyone who attempts to leave.

North of the desert is the human farming community of Dangerfield; north of that, presumably, the human capital of Jericho.


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