May 31, 2009 13:35


1. This is a roleplaying game. That means that this game is based on playing a character that is not yourself. Do not take in-character actions personally; keep out-of-character and in-character motivations separate.

2. Do not cause drama. Be honest, and tell a player when something they're doing is bothering you; if you don't feel comfortable doing that, tell a mod. We're here to run the game smoothly and make it fun for everyone, and we will help.

3. No godmodding. Godmodding is controlling another player's character without their consent. This can include something as simple as assuming that they take a certain action while in the middle of a log, or as severe as causing their death or severe emotional pain. This is not allowed. Always ask a character before doing that.

4. No metagaming. If your character should not know something in-character, then they can't act on it. Don't let your knowledge as a player interfere with a character's actions.

5. Muncest is when a player with more than one characters plays a scene exclusively between his or her characters without involving anyone else. This is frowned upon. If it's necessary to progress a plot, or it would be excruciatingly awkward or OOC not to, then it's okay, but we would prefer that more than one player is always involved in a log.

6. We take fandom characters, original characters, and original fandom characters. Apps for creatures from within the Rowan Tree universe are closed for now, and will be opened as the metaplot allows. No Mary Sues, please; we will be denying any characters that are too overpowered, too perfect or badly thought-out.

7. Gameplay:

The main RPG community (rowantree_rpg) is used for posting from journals (see FAQ below).

The logs RPG community (rowantree_logs) is used for posting of logs, or third-person RP.

Posting format should include the following:
- Who (the characters involved in the log - you can indicate if a log is open - free for other characters to join - or closed - restricted to the characters already in the scene - here.)
- What (a quick description of what the log will contain)
- Where (a location, refer to the map for details)

The OOC community (rowantree_ooc) is for planning plot, posting OOC announcements, and introducing yourself.

We also have a porn community (rowantree_porn). This is for any logs or roleplay that goes above an R rating.

For more information on these, and roleplaying on Livejournal in general, check out our second Development Diary:

>>A Guide to Roleplaying on Livejournal<<

8. We will not allow multiple versions of the same muse. If the character you wish to play is already taken, you're going to have to wait and see if that person drops.

9. This main game is rated R. If you want to roleplay smut, that's totally fine; we ask that, instead of posting it in the logs community, you post it in the porn community.

10. Activity checks take place monthly every two weeks. If you're involved in a log, or make a post on the main RPG community, you will pass the check. If you don't pass the check, you have until the end of the week to make a post or go on hiatus; if you don't, you'll be dropped from the community. REVISED 8/26/2009 This has been revised because Rowan Tree is a PLOT-HEAVY game that requires a lot of involvement.

11. A How's My Driving meme will be posted every month. We expect you to be polite and offer constructive criticism -- and that includes to players and mods.


What happens when I arrive?

For this, refer to our dev diary:

>>What Happens When I Arrive?<<

How do the journals work?

When you come through the Gate, the Elves give you a small leatherbound journal. These journals are mystically connected with one another; if you write in it, anyone who has a journal can see it. You can also lock it to specific people, or write a private entry, if you so choose. All journal entries should be posted to rowantree_rpg.

A note: As the Elves distributed and created these journals, certain Elf NPCs will be able to read locked posts, though they will probably not interfere.

How do my character's powers work?

If your character had powers in their own universe, they will work in the Rowan Tree, albeit at a significantly reduced level of strength. For example, if you played Claire Bennet from Heroes, you would still heal at an accelerated rate, but it would take about twice as long as it does in Heroes canon. Similarly, a telekinetic would only be able to lift about half as much. Immortal characters remain functionally immortal.

This does not apply to characters who use magic.

What if my character uses magic?

Rowan Tree has many different types of native magic. Your character's magic will not be intact, but your character will start having the ability to use the type of magic in Rowan that is closest to their native kind.

For more information on powers and magic, check out our fourth Development Diary:

>>Magic and You<<

What happens if a character dies?

One of a few things can happen.

First, you can re-enter your character from before their original entrance. They will have no memory of Rowan.

Second, they can just die, never to return. If you want to drop a character, this is a viable option.

Third is an option that we can't reveal yet for metaplot reasons; however, it is possible that your character can die in canon and be revived.

What if I want to play a non-human fandom/original character?

Your character will remain the race that they were before they entered Rowan. Robots will, in fact, stay intact; characters with cybernetic add-ons or implants will, for the most part, keep those implants. If you have a question about your particular character, please talk to the mods.

Is there an out-of-character chatroom?

Yes! It is on AIM at rowantreechat.

My character would have knowledge of a fandom character, because they would have seen the movie/tv show/read the book. Can I break the fourth wall?

After careful consideration, the mods have decided that no, characters cannot break the fourth wall. If both you and the other player have a good reason to do so, talk to the mods, and we will consider it. Under no circumstances may fourth wall be broken without first discussing it with the mods.

How does combat work?

If you and another player want to get into combat, with each other or NPCs, work it out OOC. If you can't reach an agreement, contact the mods, and we'll use our magical modly powers (a.k.a. a D20).

What if I want to app a character that has, in canon, died?

This is definitely allowed. They cannot have any knowledge of anything happening subsequently to their death, but they can be taken from any point before their death, including the moment of.

Can I make plot?

Yes, please! We love player-driven plot. The metaplot is intended to be background; this RP is about your characters, and it's made so that you can have fun.

As a side note, the moderators are not married to the metaplot. If something it isn't working, we will revise as necessary to make sure that people are having a good time.

Do I need a PB?

A PB, which stands for 'played by', is an actor to use in Livejournal icons to represent your character. No, PBs are not required in this game; however, we do strongly recommend that you have icons that represent the emotions of the character, whether this is images of a cartoon character, a PB, or whatever you like.

Can I app a fantasy character from Rowan?

For reasons of the metaplot, we're going to say no on this, for now. However, after the game progresses, and after each species is introduced, applications for that species will be opened.

How many characters can I play?

For the moment, you can play three. ADDITION: On reflection, the mods have decided that there should be at least a two-week grace period between applications. This rule takes effect August 24, 2009, and does not affect any applications made before that date.

After you pass each successive pair of activity checks, you can play one more (one additional character with every month of full activity), topping at six. If you feel that you have an urgent situation that requires more characters, let the mods know; this rule is bendable.

What is an Event?

For this, you should check out our third Development Diary:

>>Ding Ding Ding Goes The Cowbell<<

What's the Rowan calendar like?

Pretty much the same as Earth's, or any planet/world with a month system similar to Earth. Twelve months, January to December. It's just easier on everyone this way.

How about Rowan money?

Again, very simple. The same currency for the entire world. Money in Rowan is called drem, plural dremlin. Note: it is not called dremlins. This may be a common newcomer mistake, but natives will probably laugh at you a little.

Fractions are 1/10, 1/8, 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, and 1/2. You can make your own change by cutting a one drem coin into pieces. Half drem equals half of a drem coin, quarter drem equals a quarter of a drem coin, and so on.

Coins come in denominations of one drem, two drelmin, three dremlin, five dremlin, ten dremlin, twenty dremlin, fifty dremlin, and one hundred dremlin.


Please direct further questions to this post; we'd be happy to answer!

rules, faq

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