Activity Check: March 2011

Apr 05, 2011 17:46


Time for that monthly activity check! (We're sorry for the delay! LJ's been a pain for all of us, hasn't it?) This is for posts made through the month of March. Activity, at this point in time, is one journal post per character. If your character is not on the list, you're safe! Please continue having fun.

If your character is on the list below, that means there were zero posts made for the month of March. You have one of two options:
*make one (1) post and respond to the tags, and link it to this post
*link to two threads of any reasonable length (including logs!) you've made with other characters.

If your name is marked with a red asterisk (*), it means you posted but failed to meet the ten-comment requirement. In order to be removed from this list, you have one of two options:
* Link us to one (1) thread you've made in another journal or log.
* Link us to your journal entry or inform us when it reaches at least ten comments.

We don't believe it's fair that you're fully penalized for making an effort and not receiving enough tags, so the requirements are lowered in.

Characters who are on hiatus or joined within a week of the activity check (meaning anyone who joined on/after March 19th) are exempt from this month's check! If we missed someone who is on hiatus or already dropped or if there was a mistake, please feel free to let us know, and link us if you can find it! If there is another circumstance, please contact a mod.

For the first five days, the players of the characters on the list must be the ones to check in with links to prove activity. This is to prove that players are watching out for their own activity and not depending on others to pass the activity checks for them. On the sixth day (for this month, April 11th), we will open the last two three days of the check for links provided by other players. This excludes hiatuses and drops; for these, others may feel free to comment (but please link the post for us!).

IMPORTANT!!! This will be the last time Route 29 conducts activity checks in this format! In the upcoming weeks, we will hold a discussion regarding a bit of a change to make this go by more smoothly.

Because of LJ's difficulties, the post will be open for eight days. All responses are due by April 13th, 11:59 pm EST. Characters who fail to respond will be removed from the game on April 14th.

2 | mybgftgreekfnrl
Alice Liddell | hasaheartbeat
Apollo Justice | is_fine
Astrotrain | tripleshuttle*
Barney Stinson | usedsuitup → HIATUS
Bebe | usedweaboo
Claire | believeinwarmth
Dahlia Hawthorne | smilegonnakillu
Daisuke Niwa | usedswitcheroo
Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito | used_beatup
Diamonds Droog | love4monochrome
Digger | itsahoot
Don Paolo | hatinonlayton
Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz | evilinator
Easel | quickest_draw
Emiya Kiritsugu | graildilf
Flonne | celestial_ninja
Flora Reinhold | moepuzzle
Haseo | checkingmyemail
Hinamori Momo | notpeach
Hoshigaki Kisame | usedgigadrain
Ion | usedforesight
Itachi Uchiha | usepokeforehead*
Jack Skellington | quickattackjack
James Sunderland | pillowichooseu
Joshua Kiryuu | meaningly
Kagami Hiragi | usedgrowl
Kanda Yuu | onepetalshort
Katsuya | usedbaking
Ken Ichijouji | ninth_chosen → DROPPED
Kurokami Medaka | borntoreform
Lammy | leaveit2lammy
Lily Evans | teacupstorats
Mail 'Matt' Jeevas | smokin_games*
Major Ivan Raikov | volginswaifu
Maria Robotnik | onefinalpromise
Marluxia | usedgrassknot*
Mink | hopetilmorning → DROPPED
Naoto Shirogane | fortunatewings
Napoleon Bonaparte | withoutanarmy
Naruto Uzumaki | useamonkey*
Oerba Yun Fang | used_slackoff → HIATUS
Patti Thompson | mineisanevillol
Puzzlette Riddleton | puzzlesitter
Rachel Alucard | trixandtea
Raidou Kuzunoha XIV | lonesummoner → HIATUS
Raimu "Rhyme" Bito | reasoningrhymes
Ramona Flowers | hairoftheweek
Rapunzel | missgoldenhair → HIATUS
Raven | raventhegreat
Ryoji Mochizuki | deathtype → HIATUS
Saguru Hakuba | chasingkid → DROPPED
Sam | cantpickthatup*
Sanji | pervyprince
Sara Mudo | usedreflect
Satoko Houjou | cantrapanarmy*
Sawako Kuronuma | cantseeghosts
Sayaka Miki | frustratings
Sheena Fujibayashi | boingchan
Sho "Dr. Pin" Minamimoto | usedcrunch
Spades Slick | usedbadpun → DROPPED
Takuma Ichijou | not_my_grandpa → DROPPED
Teddie | usedrawr
Terezi Pyrope | l4w_of_dr4gons
Terra | landbreaker → DROPPED
Wendy Marvell | tenryuu_healer
Yoh Tomoe | frenchcapricorn*
Youji Kudou | coolest_cat
Yukiko Amagi | amagichallenged

!activity check

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