Who: Zack Fair, Roxas, OPEN.
Where: Goldenrod City; Cafe
When: December 23rd.
Summary: Zack is finally in Goldenrod. He needs both nourishment and information, so... he... opts to hang out with the first person who responds to him on the 'Gear. But anyone can hop in.
Rating: G? G.
BORK BORK idek )
Comments 19
He walked briskly there, glad that the streets were now clean and walkable. Once he made it to the cafe, he stopped and waited for Zack.
All passerby's were awarded with a public service announcement via Zack Fair at that moment.
"DANG. It's freezin' out there."
... Please. Hold your applause. The young man glanced about, rubbing his hands together with an attempt to squirm body heat back to his limbs.
... Only ... now that he was inside, he realized that he had zoomed past his coffee-pal in his mad, derpish rush to get out of the cold. Yeah... oops.
Rather than make Zack come out again, he walked inside. And wasn't really sure what to do next. He stood awkwardly for a moment, before offering a small, "Hey".
"Um... Hey."
Sorta edging closer inside, he offered an... awkward wave and a lopsided grin. "I'm Zack. Can't remember if I mentioned that already. You, uh... You wanna grab a table? I'll get the drinks."
Rambling time is go? Rambling time is go.
"I mean -- y'wanted cocoa, right? You don't look like a coffee drinker. Or tea. Tea's pretty gross."
She was eyeing the Department store when a familiar black spikey head walked by.
Oh hey!
She crept up sneakily behind him and threw her hands over his eyes, quite a feat, considering his height compared to hers.
"Guess whoooo~!"
His usual, immediate reaction would have probably been a little violent, but... He'd spent enough time on Johto to quell reactions like those. Luckily.
After his slightly embarrassing reaction, he settled down... and gave an exaggerated shrug.
"Uhhh." A girl, obviously. A girl who wasn't Aerith or Heather or Rise, as far as he could tell. Someone short who obviously enjoys sneaking up on people and--
"I give up."
She lets go anyway, slipping around in front of him with the kind of smirking grin she usually wears. The hood of her jacket is down, so her face isn't obscured at the moment.
"Hey there pal! I see ya really did finally make it. Heh."
She punches him playfully in the arm.
"Yeah... I made it." Barely.
"I gotta get somethin' warm in my system, though. I'm freezin' my..."
A strained look. ... No, we won't go there today.
"... Uh. Want some coffee or whatever?"
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