This Place is not Safe [Forward Dated to October 30th]

Oct 30, 2010 11:01

Who: newfrance, of_france, broken_tool, usedfoxhost*, originofawesome
Where: Cherrygrove City → Route 30 → Route 31 → Violet City
When: October 30 after lunch
Summary: "We're leaving. Now."
Rating: PG; rating may go up to PG-13
Log: ( Any horror element is as much psychological as special effects. )

canada | axis powers hetalia, prussia | axis powers hetalia, haku | naruto, naruto uzumaki | naruto

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Comments 13

originofawesome October 30 2010, 03:43:09 UTC
Not only was the music terrible (and creepy as fuck), it wouldn't stop playing. Needless to say, he didn't get much sleep, tossing and turning until pure exhaustion allowed him a few moments.

When he woke in the morning to that God awful music, everything had suddenly become...pixelated. There was something was terribly wrong with his eyes and now he was panicking he really needed his eyes God why--

Then it occurred to him that he may have fallen asleep playing video games (something he decided he may need to swear off for awhile if it induced such insane dreams).

Prussia stood up, feeling a sense of vertigo the longer he looked around. Where...WHERE WAS GILBIRD? Why wasn't she coming out of the Pokeball? Fortunately, France cut through his panic long enough for him to gain a sense of composure, trying to ignore the fact that this definitely wasn't a dream, and they were seriously fucked.

His military training took over, keeping him composed as he hoisted his bag, fingering Gilbird's Pokeball uneasily.

"France, Haku, let's go."


broken_tool October 30 2010, 03:47:59 UTC
Never had Haku really slept deeply, the simplest of things that could spell trouble more than enough to wake him and get him to move. The music certainly hadn't helped, usually it was somewhat soothing, but something about the current choice just... it really sent a shiver down his spine the longer he truly listened to it.

A soft squeak escaped from him as he heard his name, wriggling about to sit up and rub his eyes to try and get the sleep out of them. The sight of the world at large got him to pause, what was this mess? He'd never seen anything like this by any means and it was horribly unnerving to him, though he scrambled to his feet, grabbing his bag and looking about for Akemi, Aoi, and Akira. Though, not finding them but the Pokeballs in their spots got a rather confused frown. They hadn't wished to go into their balls before, so why nowFor the time being he wouldn't question it, quickly stuffing the balls in one of the pockets of his bag and looking towards the older men for what was going on and where they were going. Where ( ... )


newfrance October 30 2010, 05:47:55 UTC
Canada has no idea what is going on. At all. He doesn't know what video games are, so he has no idea what this landscape is. The word 'pixelated' isn't even something he can comprehend. He'd actually made it through the night okay- he'd been very, very tired from the day before, and sleepy children were hard to keep awake. He'd gone to bed with his head on Sedna's squishy tummy, and Maple the Rattata asleep on his feet. While the little rat pokemon wasn't entirely ready to trust most of this party, he'd grown to like the little boy who feeds him, and was gradually working his way into the actual cuddle pile.

So it was quite a surprise to Canada when he woke up and found that both his pet and his beloved nature spirit were missing. First reaction? Burst into tears. Upon discovering they were in their pokeballs, he immediately calmed down, but the music was starting to get to him now that he was awake.

The true horror came, though, when he spotted the pixelized people. More tiny, Canadian hysterics. France was out shopping ( ... )


of_france October 30 2010, 06:25:21 UTC
France adjusted his hold on Canada so that the boy was mostly facing into his chest; better not to let him see the world around them as Hell showed its true face.

"It'll be alright," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss against the crown of Canada's head. "We'll head to the next town and see what we can do. Don't worry; I am here to protect you."

He took Canada's pack and slung it over his own shoulder before turning to Prussia and Haku who were ready. France had not had time to get to know the boy, but it seemed that Haku was used to unusual conditions; it was both worrying and reassuring at the same time.

France inclined his head to Prussia's words and started out, heading quickly towards Route 30, absentmindedly rubbing small circles with his thumb on Canada's back.


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