
Sep 23, 2010 04:52

Who: Hope and Lightning
Where: The south end of Route 30, just outside of Cherrygrove
When: Backdated to the 21st or the 22nd. In that little range.
Summary: Light and Hope meet again.
Rating: G-it's Light and Hope. She's nice with him.

Log: ( It was morning now. )

hope estheim | final fantasy xiii, lightning farron | final fantasy xiii

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Comments 36

airwinged September 23 2010, 10:04:15 UTC
Three days on his (no, still Light's) Onix to get all the way back to Cherrygrove-- it was definitely better than wasting more time walking. And Hope wasn't exactly stable on his feet right now. A few naps here and there just don't cut it when just that tired. The only thing that's been keeping him determined was the fact that Lightning's here and of course he wanted to see her again.

Briefly he wondered if Snow was on his way too. But he pushed that out of his mind-- Snow can work for it if he wants to see Light in person.

Hope absentmindedly pets Onix on the head. Just a little longer, and she can rest in her Pokéball. He can see Cherrygrove in the distance, and closing in.


soggypastry September 23 2010, 10:09:02 UTC
...Yes. That was a dust cloud on the horizon, along with a tall shadow inside of it, getting closer. Her stance changed, and Ponyta changed his own positioning with her. Imitation, perhaps. She couldn't bring herself to give it much thought, really. Not when she had to be ready to get clear in case this was some sort of attack.

Of course, the thought that this might be Hope did cross her mind. He was going to get a talking to if it was; Light didn't like it when people lied to her.


airwinged September 23 2010, 10:27:51 UTC
If that was not a miniature Odin set on fire he did not know what was. But he'd seen Ponyta before, so he knows that it is Light, and it's time to announce himself.

That stance was Light ready to fight after all.

"Light!!" His voice was better than before, at least. He didn't sound like a Poliwag was lodged in his throat.


soggypastry September 23 2010, 10:35:41 UTC
It was Hope. Had she been any other woman, Light would have rushed forward to meet him. As it was, she simply relaxed her stance a bit. He seemed to have the...Onix...he was riding under control, at least. So she'd wait for him to come to her....

Oh, who was she trying to kid. She was glad to see him after the way he'd sounded that first night. Even if he sounded a lot better now...Still, she'd walk over a bit, arms crossed over her stomach as Ponyta trotted behind her. This would be interesting.


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