Aug 03, 2010 11:33

Who: Kay Faraday and Johan Andersen
Where: Azalea Town
When: Tuesday, August 3, late afternoon/evening-ish
Summary: Kay didn't want her first date to be with a Pokémon kidnapper. Johan is a good friend. Date GET.
Rating: G, most likely!
Log: ( Let's try it and we'll see )

johan andersen | yu-gi-oh! gx, kay faraday | ace attorney

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Comments 200

overthedratini August 3 2010, 22:27:51 UTC
Truthfully, Johan didn't know much about dates. He didn't know if he was supposed to act differently (though a certain previous conversation involving "babe" and "sweetie" came to mind at that thought, which quickly lead to Johan dismissing the notion of acting differently entirely), he hadn't the slightest idea as to what kind of manners he should use (if only to make sure Kay was prepared for her mission), and he certainly didn't know if he was supposed to dress any differently. Should he dress like 777? Should he dress for a date?

It was all very confusing, and made Johan wish he could turn and ask Amethyst Cat or Ruby for advice - but as he couldn't, and he needed to do this without his Pokemon, he just took a deep breath and continued on.

Luckily for Johan, as he was changing in the Pokemon Center after a quick bit of training that afternoon, something he probably should have been doing in a less public area, the Nurse Joy dashed over with stars in her eyes and set him straight with something more appropriate. Or so Johan was ( ... )


yattagarasu August 3 2010, 22:50:07 UTC
She heard him before she saw him, and there was something about that tone that had her just a bit reluctant to turn her head and acknowledge him. He'd sounded... stunned. Well, of course he would, it wasn't like she went running around with her hair flowing free and clad in white all that often - nor would she, because all of the above would slow a thief down immediately and Kay was too active for flowing and fancy garments - and maybe he was horrified that she'd bothered to dress up, or it was all wrong, or--

... Wait a second.

She recognized the hair, and the face. She'd seen it too often not too, but the suit made her stare for longer than was strictly appropriate. Surprise warred with relief (because at least she wasn't the only one out of her regular clothing) and then, perhaps realizing that things would get highly awkward at this rate, she cleared her throat ( ... )


overthedratini August 3 2010, 23:30:06 UTC
At the sound of her voice, or at least, the sound of a squeak that resembled her voice, Johan relaxed somewhat. Somewhat, however, wasn't nearly completely, because as oblivious as the duelist could be sometimes, he was aware there was something he should be doing now (or was it something he shouldn't be doing?) and more to the point, he knew right then that this wasn't going to be as easy as he'd assumed it would be ( ... )


yattagarasu August 3 2010, 23:47:44 UTC
Okaaay, so maybe "dapper" wasn't the word to use. Kay was still blinking from the increased volume of his voice to be too affronted by him laughing, but she was beginning to wonder if this had been the best idea. Johan was her friend, and you usually went on dates with people you liked, so this was bound to be at least somewhat uncomfortable. It was odd enough that she was feeling this nervous around him at all, especially after everything she'd been through, but then again, maybe it had nothing to do with Johan. Maybe it was a date thing. Kay hoped it was a date thing.

And maybe she should stop feeling like a moron and start acting a little more like herself.

"It's code for 'you look nice'," she informed him, starting to grin now. "Aren't you hot in that, though?"


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