log ; the rose I kept in a glass cage

Aug 01, 2011 22:10

Who: reimprovise and usedlaserbeam
Where: Goldenrod, in a park by the pokemon center
When: 07/30, directly after the text messages
Summary: a discussion about foxes, and the eyes that see them
Rating: PG-13

Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. )

fuji shuusuke | prince of tennis

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Comments 83

usedlaserbeam August 2 2011, 03:23:31 UTC
[It takes Yagyuu a short while to get to the park, simply out of pure logistics; he's been keeping it under wraps that his roster is full enough to necessitate the use of his PC storage facilities, and while there aren't many people who would pay close enough attention to his lineup to notice that discrepancy even if he didn't work to hide it, there are still a few out there and Fuji Shuusuke is undoubtedly one of them.

A brief walk to the Pokemon Center lets him switch out his newly-acquired Ditto (who is really only guaranteed secure when he's in the box, anyway) for the baby Vulpix given to him a week ago, and then it's off to the park to see if, hypothetically, anyone interesting will cross his path today.

Like that stranger on the park bench, for example. He seems intriguing enough.]


reimprovise August 2 2011, 22:27:40 UTC
[doesn't he? he happens to be swinging his legs under the bench childishly, blinking about in absent concentration. then, he spots Yagyuu heading down the path.

he doesn't see a pokemon in sight, though he figures that Yagyuu is the sort of person who keeps his little monsters safe and confined within their little balls. safe, presumably from the outside world, though he's of the private opinion that it most likely works both ways. it's a style that suits Yagyuu, who he's been comparing to Niou with increasing frequency nowadays. his secrets, like his pokemon, are out of sight, but they're there, hidden beneath the surface.

it's interesting.

he raises a mild hand up in greeting.]

And is this where I make the obligatory comment about the winds of fate and its unchanging ways?


usedlaserbeam August 2 2011, 22:51:07 UTC
[In this case, Fuji's intuition is right about Yagyuu's tendency toward managing his monsters (the one exception being Lady, who is the favorite and therefore entitled to special privileges), but there's an added complication that factors in--that the monster he's bringing with him today happens to be painfully shy, so much so that attempting to walk her over would be an exercise in futility. And if he's going to carry her either way, it might as well be in the protection of her ball; it's simply the most comfortable solution for everyone concerned.

As he approaches, he answers Fuji's greeting with a nod of his own, coming to a pause at a comfortable, friendly (safe) distance from the bench.]

You're welcome to, if you'd prefer we continue pretending this meeting is a coincidence. Hello, Fuji-kun.


reimprovise August 3 2011, 23:36:20 UTC
[he notes the distance and appreciates it. it gives him time to gauge the stretch of silence between the distance and ponder as to how to best approach it. as with all their conversations, it's the unsaid that holds the most meaning.

for this sort of distance, he has a ready reply. he smiles.]

Wouldn't it be fun if we could? It's a good excuse for a poetry recital.


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