
May 13, 2011 21:07

Who: awesome_scott and usedstarpunch .
Where: Goldenrod City.
When: The early evening of the 13th of May.
Summary: Coach Scott Pilgrim and Trainee Little Mac have their first training session, in Goldenrod City. It may even be training in more then two ways!
Log: ( This is the best worst thing ever. Srsly. )

scott pilgrim | scott pilgrim, little mac | punch out!!

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Comments 5

usedstarpunch May 13 2011, 22:14:10 UTC
[Three months ago, Mac first arrived to Johto, bewildered and confused. Three months ago, he also met one Scott Pilgrim. Scott seemed to know everything about this place...and he seemed to know Mac, too. While he'd known that his name was getting out there back home, he had no idea there were people who...well, really knew who he was.

Now, Mac was finally meeting Scott in person. He just seemed like such a cool guy. He was an adult. With a girlfriend, even! And he seemed to be an expert on this whole Pokemon thing.

Without his trainer, Doc, Mac had been fumbling a bit, used to having someone to point him in the right direction. But with Scott training him, things were going to start looking up!]

Awesome! And keepin' ourselves from gettin' rusty sounds good! I didn't know you boxed, dude.


awesome_scott May 16 2011, 08:28:49 UTC
I don't really box professionally... it's just a hobby. [Scott lied. He wanted to stay strong so he could protect himself from the evil ex-boyfriends, and who better to train against then Little Mac himself!]
Anyway... here's the place. [he soon said, stopping.] I brought some of my weakest Pokemon, so it'd be a bit fair. I also brought one or two to show you how some weaknesses work, and stuff. Come on out, guys!
[You know how trainers sometimes let out all six of their Pokemon? That's what Scott's doing right now. So out come a Shroomish, a Gible, a Combusken, a Furret, a Kingler and a Riolu.]


usedstarpunch May 16 2011, 22:17:20 UTC
[Mac takes a second to just...look at Scott's Pokemon. He could never get over just how many of these things there seem to be. What is that, a mushroom?]

Alright! I guess it'd be better if we all learn together. [And with that he lets out his Pokemon, Chuck the Skiploom, Joe the Spinarak and Rocky, who seems to have a perpetual glare, still sour over their loss to Falkner.]


awesome_scott May 17 2011, 02:41:50 UTC
Hm... first off, get your Spinirak to hit Puffstool [pronounced puschstool, thank you pikmin] here with a poison-type move. I mean, if it has any.


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