Who: Nagi and Tot
Where: Outside Cherrygrove
When: Umm, weekend of April 30 - May 1
Summary: Tot likes bunnies. Nagi has a Buneary egg. You can see where this is going.
Rating: G. Nothing but fluff here!
Log: (
Innocent courage shake, squeeze and recall the heat of a child's mind/From young boy to adult there's still a boy present within )
Comments 18
When Nagi came over to talk with her, Tot just smiled back at him. Present or not, Nagi always made Tot happy even if she didn’t understand why. “Tot likes presents! What is it?”
He pulled out the egg and let her look it over. "It's going to be a Buneary when it hatches soon. It's not pink like your bunny at home, but...." It was still a bunny and it was still adorable.
She knows Nagi is worried over her but she wasn’t really sure just why. As it is, Tot only has Nagi’s word they had once kissed. It makes her happy to think so, to believe Nagi since he had never lied to her; she just wished she remembered it as well.
The egg was an unexpected gift. Tot wasn’t sure how to react to the egg until Nagi mentioned her stuffed rabbit that had been left at home. “It’s…it’s going to be a bunny?” The thought alone was enough to make her look at Nagi and beam in hope.
Nagi couldn't tell Tot that she died at home, or that he nearly did the same to revive her. That would only make her sad all over again. All he could do was travel with her, protect her, and enjoy this chance while it lasted.
He nodded at her. "It will. Someone was offering the eggs, so I made sure to get you one."
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