Feb 04, 2011 10:58
Since Valentine's Day is just around the corner, Minnie and Merlin will be hosting a festival on that day in the following cities...
Festival Cities:
-Goldenrod (Minnie)
-Violet (Merlin)
-Ecruteak (Asuka & Mitsuru)
-Cherrygrove (Haruhi)
-Azalea (Raidou)
...let me know which other cities should be added to the festival list!
Currently these stations will be available during the festival:
Chocolate fondue:
Cookies, marshmallows, cakes, fruits--you name it! Those will all be around the fondue fountains for all trainers to dip into the chocolate and enjoy~
Personal Valentines Chocolates:
Make your own valentine's chocolate for that special person! Let's say Minnie and Merlin have somehow roped a few NPC chefs from the cities into helping out at this station.
Flower Bouquets:
Flowers, flowers, everywhere! As traditional and nice as a single red rose is, here the trainers can spice things up by making their own bouquet with the variety of flowers available at the station.
!For the people in Goldenrod, France has volunteered to teach anyone interested how to make flower wreaths and "accessories" like crowns and necklaces. (Double check this, France-mun?)
Not a fan of chocolate? That's all right, we've got cookies, too! Here, the NPC chefs can help the trainers decorate heart-shaped cookies for their wooing purposes~
The Love Tree:
In each of the participating cities, there will be a largish tree set up in the middle of the festival area. There will be heart-shaped placards that the trainers can write anonymous love-messages on (for friends and family, too!), then hang up on the tree for others to read. Hopefully, the intended recipient will see it...
Dancing!! (L-mun's idea)
There will be a dance floor in the festival area for people to dance to their heart's content. Would anyone like to volunteer for teaching the waltzes or other ballroom/romantic dances?
Dance Teachers:
Ecruteak: Athrun
Goldenrod: Professor Layton
Violet: Soul & Fuu
Hugging Booth (Luke-mun's idea)
...no explanation necessary, right? Any volunteers?
Goldenrod: Aerith & Vanille
Violet: Misha
Le Cocktails (Courtesy of France-mun)
***Only for Goldenrod*** France will be setting up a cocktail/alcohol station after the normal festival hours for ~*~Le Adults~*~ Play nice or Minnie will take the alcohol away :|
Other things of note:
!There will be a banquet set up for the trainers in each participating city
-->Sebastian will be in charge of the catering in Violet City
-->Watanuki will be in charge of the catering in Cherrygrove
!Minnie and Merlin will have their bird pokemon flying above the cities, occasionally scattering flower petals upon the masses festival areas.
Goldenrod: Minnie's Pidgeot, Quistis' Pidgeotto, Lammy's Chatot
Violet: Merlin's Noctowl, Dash's Pidgeot, Coraline's Golbat
Ecruteak: Kay's Murkrow
Cherrygrove: Mikuru's Pidgey, Souji's Skarmory
Azalea: Cooper's Noctowl
If anyone wants to volunteer their flying pokemon for another city, let me know!
...can you tell Merlin has been around Minnie for an extended period of time. Yes. Got Disney, Johto?? ♥ ♥