Activity check reminder + Poll Update

Jan 06, 2012 00:09

Two reminders: First off, we have THE REALLY IMPORTANT POLL!

Also, we've heard discussion on people wanting the date of the poll pushed up earlier. If you'd like the poll to end on January 9 or keep the date of January 16, please let us know (so we can get a good show of hands on who's up for both choices).


Activity Check Reminder!

If ( Read more... )

mod reminders, !discussion, !activity check

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POLL END DISCUSSION these_balls January 6 2012, 06:09:57 UTC
To keep it all in one place.


darkenedgales January 7 2012, 02:14:45 UTC
Just popping in to say: my thoughts exactly. Although I stated I'd stay with the game wherever it goes (or stays) on the poll post, I probably wouldn't be so sure of it if asked today. It isn't even because LJ doesn't work for me, it's because being on this site kills my desire to do anything. It almost feels like assisting the deed LJ's in the middle of committing.

TL;DR-- I wholeheartedly agree with your comment.


striderismo January 6 2012, 06:32:05 UTC
please! the sooner, the better.


alpha_stigma January 6 2012, 06:36:07 UTC
/raises hand

Also, changing my mind from what I said. While I'll still stick with Route whatever happens, I fully support the idea of moving to Dreamwidth.


serpensrex January 6 2012, 06:52:08 UTC
I'm okay with this.


itsthebutz January 6 2012, 06:55:11 UTC
Another vote for the 9th. C:


usedslam January 6 2012, 07:20:15 UTC
The soonest possible date has my vote.


hasavision January 6 2012, 07:29:49 UTC
I've definitely been holding off on posts, and it feels like others are, too... So yes, January 9th sounds like a good idea.


phoenix_temple January 6 2012, 07:55:53 UTC
Please yes. If we're going to move I want to do it ASAP and I doubt you guys would be asking if you didn't already have a massive number of votes.


originofgood January 6 2012, 08:21:54 UTC
The sooner the better, I say.


deadfreesia January 6 2012, 09:53:56 UTC
Voting for ending it on the 9th.


darkenedgales January 6 2012, 11:13:13 UTC
/raises hand

Honestly, the suspense is killing me and my RP drive. I don't know whether I should start anything new or pack my things, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. I think the longer it drags on, the more stagnancy we'll see, and that's never a good thing.


quickattackjack January 6 2012, 11:59:57 UTC
Signs point to VERY YES. Ending on the 9th (or even sooner) would be fantastic!


ttlyahero January 6 2012, 12:07:24 UTC
/raises hand


blacklodged January 6 2012, 12:12:13 UTC
I'd like it to end sooner, so absolutely yes. (:


brightshielding January 6 2012, 13:06:38 UTC
Yes please!


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