Activity Check: December 2011

Jan 01, 2012 13:24

Happy New Years, everyone!

Quick Reminder: If you haven't done so already, please check The Super Important Poll to determine if Route stays on LJ! And then...

ACTIVITY CHECKThis Activity Check encompasses activity made during the month of December. Posts and threads started between December 1 through January 8 may be used as long as they were ( Read more... )

!activity check

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DIFFICULTY ACCESSING LIVEJOURNAL? these_balls January 1 2012, 19:24:36 UTC
List the character name and journal here, please!
Or IM or message a moderator.


Re: DIFFICULTY ACCESSING LIVEJOURNAL? meatysoviet January 1 2012, 20:51:41 UTC
It really depends with me; on my GF's computer I can get onto LJ fine, but on my own even if I can get onto it I can't actually access the comment system- it's as if it just freezes up on me.

I have no idea if this is lag or a bug, and I've tried to make sure I get on my GF's more often than not so I can reply to people, but just thought I'd put this here in case I can't get online and end up disappearing or something.


(The comment has been removed)

meatysoviet January 2 2012, 02:22:39 UTC
I've been getting that too actually- It's why I starting grabbing links for all the threads I'm in.

Funnily enough though, I had the problem before the update happened too. Not sure if that was just me though.


Re: DIFFICULTY ACCESSING LIVEJOURNAL? unyieldingwill January 1 2012, 23:20:41 UTC
The mun who plays Geo Metro -geo_metro and Caldina - gorgeouscharmer has been having trouble with LJ. It won't let her stay logged in or post comments.


blaettertanz January 2 2012, 00:35:45 UTC
The site works for me, but I get migraines from any page that hasn't switched comment pages and I've been avoiding RP because of that.

Nagi Naoe / usedtelekinesis
Chloe / blaettertanz
Kia WelBehenna / rideonmyharley


Re: DIFFICULTY ACCESSING LIVEJOURNAL? subvertio January 2 2012, 08:32:53 UTC
Ren had total difficulties in accessing LJ and went on hiatus for it, but just in case! Ventus freshbreeze derpa


Re: DIFFICULTY ACCESSING LIVEJOURNAL? luckyfooted January 4 2012, 01:08:30 UTC
Posting for Kamilah (Merlin/tiercelet).


tensaizenzai January 5 2012, 18:24:11 UTC
Between being really sick and lj not letting me do's been a frustrating month. I'm going to try to post a hiatus notice but considering how long it took to post this, I'm not sure I'll be able to.

Zaizen Hikaru/tensaizenzai
Dorothy Gale/clicked_3_times


Re: DIFFICULTY ACCESSING LIVEJOURNAL? getmesomewhisky January 6 2012, 06:43:41 UTC
Ichi, who plays Hershel Layton (profpuzzle) and Souji Seta (usedeverything) hasn't been able to do tags for the past couple of weeks because the new changes have been giving her headaches.


Re: DIFFICULTY ACCESSING LIVEJOURNAL? bunnigami January 6 2012, 17:22:41 UTC
Noah here. My apologies, December was bad in general as far as LJ and RL goes. Like, when I finally had the time, this stuff just happened. I'd really like to make up for it this month after things are finally settled.

Meroko Yui / bunnigami


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