May 22, 2011 13:14

Enjoying your rain, guys? Well, besides the chaos introduced in the last post, things got a bit crazier.

Early morning on May 23, Officer Jenny broadcasts a voice message to everyone on the PokéConnect:

"Emergency, citizens of Johto! The rain's putting Olivine at risk! We need help digging trenches around the city's edge. Are there any citizens willing to help? Let us know where you are and we'll come get you!"

Whoever responds to the message gets one (1) free trip to Olivine City for a few days. Different officers will drive in white vans to carry the volunteers to Olivine. The rides themselves are around 3-5 hours, no matter where you are, and they're not very gentle on the person. Officer Jenny is that driver who either gives you rollercoaster excitement or fear for your life when put behind the wheel of a car. Don't question the physics, just be glad you arrived safely.

Once there, they'll be given a free poncho and shovel, and set to work in four-hour shifts. They'll also receive a free stay at the Olivine Inn (sadly, food's not included) during the time they're helping out.

In short - from Monday to Wednesday, they're digging trenches.

Also in the morning of May 23, Arianna sends the following message, via text, to all Rockets:

URGENT! All hands on deck, we'll send helicopters and give you directions upon arrival. Have you ever wanted to see a legendary up close?
- Arianna

So for those who said yes (which had better be all rockets!), Arianna will send helicopters, and a rough but still somewhat-safe ride will bring them to a second end of Olivine's shores. Blocked off as "dangerous", Team Rocket actually has numerous boats waiting for their young rockets. Slipping past the trench-workers, they'll be sent into the rough water to capture Lugia.

No, seriously.

Team Rocket grunts will be getting into boats and attempting the waves to get to Lugia as the helpers continue digging the trench from the evening of the 23rd, and pretty much all day on Tuesday, May 24th and Wednesday, May 25... and a good portion of Thursday, May 26! The waves are too ridiculous, and it turns into a struggle as they alternate pushing boats and trying to get themselves sent off to sea. By Thursday evening, Arianna finally decides to turn off the signal and see if that helps in actually getting out onto the ocean.

With the signal off for the night of the 25th, the tides begin to retreat as Lugia begins to calm down. All of the trainer owned water Pokemon will be calming down too! The wild Pokemon that crawled on shore earlier are slowly making their way back to the ocean, but for the most part, they're still there! People can feel free to push them back into the water or capture them; levels are the same as their location genreally dictates. And since the ocean has calmed...


With strong, prepared Rockets at the ready, they're sent into the sea to fight the Lugia.

For real, this time.

And they get pretty far in, too!

Unfortunately, Lugia has also regained its senses a bit quicker than anticipated, and the rare Pokemon does its best to take minimal damage. By early afternoon, the pokémon escapes.


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