hate to stare, but you're winnin' [closed]

Oct 21, 2011 17:23

Who: Dave Strider and Feferi Peixes
Where: Around Goldenrod
When: This afternoon! (10/21)
Summary: Dave needs bubble tea, and Feferi needs a piggyback ride.
Rating: PG-13, since Dave's here.

[ Okay, so it's almost sixty degrees out, and it's not raining, but Dave's in a hoodie, anyway. It's the best way to keep warm without looking like he's freezing fucking cold, which he is. The threat of winter is hanging over his head and making him a little sullen (what do you mean, it's gonna get colder?), so he's lurking near the strip and eyeing his favourite café longingly. Maybe if he's lucky, Rose or John or Jade will happen upon him, and he can talk them into buying him something. ]

feferi peixes | homestuck, dave strider | homestuck

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