Title: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Pairing: Kato Shigeaki/Nishikido Ryo
Rating: Eventually NC-17, I'd say about PG, PG-13 for now
Warnings: Ryo's mouth and sexual harassment
Disclaimer: Don't own them
Summary: Nishikido Ryo, talent manager and song writer, is being sued for sexual harassment. He takes his case to the Johnny & Associates
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will read and review shortly / eventually! because it is a must!
LOL! Some of them are. Such weird people.
Ouch. Well, good luck with your studying then! I actually know what you mean. You study so much your brain just up and crashes on you when you need it.
I know!!! O___o then they can be ultra suburban in their small towns with 9000 people and you're like "HOW?!" -shakes head-
Thank you >_< It's horrible! being pron to panicking is not good either >____< hence why i am here!
Don't panic! I'm sure you'll do fine if you just relax and study without over studying.
I will! Thank you for the encouragement =D
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