Title: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Pairing: Kato Shigeaki/Nishikido Ryo
Rating: Eventually NC-17, I'd say about PG, PG-13 for now
Warnings: Ryo's mouth and sexual harassment
Disclaimer: Don't own them
Summary: Nishikido Ryo, talent manager and song writer, is being sued for sexual harassment. He takes his case to the Johnny & Associates
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Comments 41
nice prompt and great writing! I LOVE IT! hahaha.. XDD
Thanks so much for the nice comment! =D
will read and review shortly / eventually! because it is a must!
"He was flattered that Koyama would promote his skill as a lawyer, though that was typical Koyama to go a little overboard with it. He made a mental note, however, to talk to somebody about their corporate representative, if Tegoshi was selling them to clients based on physical attributes." Oh KoyaTego ... i may dislike you separately but together you are a team of amazingness =D
I look forward to the next part of this ^__^
Of course they are! Koyama just naturally encourages Tegosi's plots without trying, they have to somehow be amazing.
The next part should hopefully be up sometime this week. Unless I manage to be a good student and actually study the proper amount for my mid-terms.
Thanks for always reading and commenting, it makes me feel loved!
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