The Whole Shebang

Feb 19, 2008 00:17

Below is a masterlist of all my fic and art, both the good and the bad. (There's a more curated list of the fic I'm not embarassed by here on AO3.) Most recent at the top.


   Don't Explain
   John/Mary, John/Sherlock, post-Reichenbach angst. ADULT.

All Of Your Opinions Are Wrong
   Sherlock/John hipster AU crack. ~1,400 words

Under Control Series Sherlock/John hypnosis kink. ADULT.

Under Control ~22,000 words
Down We Go ~4,800 words
   John Means Business
   John Watson gen

A Lemon Tree, My Dear Watson
   John and Sherlock and a bad pun

Active Imagination
   Sherlock in bondage, for the fic Bespoke. NSFW

Would You Like To Back Up Your Files?
   John and Sherlock gen


   Missing Pages
   Postwar Harry/Cedric suspense. ~54,400 words

The Relative Truth
   MtF!Luna/Neville. Written for the lgbtfest. ~12,000 words.

Being Liquid
   Genderqueer!Teddy/Lesbian!Victoire.  ADULT.  Written for the lgbtfest.  ~7,500 words.

Into the Lion's Den and Out of the Closet (WIP)    Albus Severus-centric coming out story.
The Dinner Table  Written for the lgbtfest. ~3,600 words.
Head First and Eyes Closed ~4,200 words.
Down the List ~7,200 words
Return to the Table (probably won't be written at this point, but the other fics should stand on their own)
   Terra Firma
   Postwar Harry/Cedric.  For the holiday fic exchange at twoseekers. ~20,000 words.

Force of Will Series    Harry/Cedric AU. ADULT.
Force of Will Three parts. ~5,400 words.
Change of Heart Three parts.  ~5,500 words.  
One Shots
   A Choice
   Film inspired Snape gen. Written for dh2_challenge

Extracurricular Matters
   HBP film inspired Dumbledore ficlet. Written for hbpchallenge. ~500 words.

It Felt Like This
   HBP film inspired Harry/Cedric ficlet. ~700 words.

Seeking Snorkacks
   Luna gen ficlet.  ~900 words.

   Cedric-centric, Twilight-inspired crack.  ~1,300 words.

Public Approval
   Fourth year Harry/Cedric ficlet.  ~1,800 words.

Sought And Found
   Harry/Cedric PWP.  ADULT. ~1,100 words.

The Boy Who Lived on Death
   Harry gen.  Post DH ficlet.  ~1,000 words.

The Unexpected Tasks
   Harry/Cedric humor.  Valentine's Day challenge.  ~5,300 words

   Centaur in the Forest
   Firenze. With apologies to Magritte.

Sunday Mornings Are For
   Hermione, Ron, and Harry.

Snowy Owl
   Hedwig.  With apologies to Charley Harper.

Grass Stains
   Hermione/Ginny, NSFW.

All Grown Up

Dumbledore's Cub or The Breakfast Army
   The DA.

Moonlight Dance Party
   The Marauders.  With apologies to Keith Haring.

Harry/Cedric prompt series

FrednGeorge and Pensieve
   For the hp_art_project


Pretty in Pink
   If You Leave
   Duckie-centric. Written for the lgbtfest.

   Art for Torchwood is Yours
   For tw_bigbang

Art for Holding To The Ground
   For tw_bigbang


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