277: Friending Meme

Jun 26, 2012 11:36

Summer Friending Meme

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Comments 23

morningapproach June 26 2012, 15:26:50 UTC
Age:28 (almost 29!!)

Fandoms:Doctor Who, MASH, The Newsflesh Trilogy, nothing else really ATM.
Ships:Shaun/Georgia (Newsflesh), Amy/Rory, Doctor/Tardis

Books: Newsflesh Trilogy (Feed, Deadling, Blackout) by Mira Grant, anything by Neil Gaiman (even his kids picture books!), Francesca Lia Block
Actress/Actors: Matt Smith. Zooey Deschanel. Audrey Taoutou.
Hobbies outside LJ: writing. reading. scrapbooking. knitting. I teach for a living, so a lot of things surounding teaching.
Films: Empire Records.
Music:Indie, piunk, alternative rock

Favourite Summer Activity: Swimming, hiking, camping
Favourite Holiday Destination:don't have one. Going to NH for the summer, so we'll see what it is like there :)
Your Top Holiday Tip:wear sunscreen, make lots of good mixes for long drives.

Journal Status (Friends-only or Public):friends only, but I add anyone who wants to read about me :)
How often to do you post:once or twice a week, I'd like it to be more but its not.
What do you ( ... )


brasaremean June 26 2012, 16:32:40 UTC
Neil Gaiman (even his kids picture books!)



giallarhorn June 26 2012, 16:33:11 UTC
Name: Kenneth
Age: 21
Country: US of A

Fandoms: The main ones are Doctor Who, Castle, Stargate SG-1, Sherlock (BBC), A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones, Fringe, Pushing Daisies, Legend of Korra, Sandersonverse, Downton Abbey
Ships: Olivia/Happiness, Rose/Ten, Rose/TenII, Altlivia/Alt!Lincoln, Olivia/Lincoln, Olivia/Peter, Beckett/Castle, Ned/Chuck, Korra/Awesomness, Mary/Matthew
Characters: Ned the Piemaker, Chuck Charles, every single character in Fringe, Korra, Sansa Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Lady Mary Crawley, Samantha Carter, all of the DW companions, etc. There's a lot, basically.

Books: Mistborn trilogy, Tides Lords Quartet, Stormlight Archive, His Dark Materials, anything by Neil Gaiman, the Bas-Lang series, The Dark is Rising, Abhorsen trilogy, The Hobbit, Coldfire trilogy, Dune, etc.
Actress/Actors: Lee Pace, Anna Friel, Anna Torv, Billie Piper, John Noble, Catherine Tate, Stana Katic, John Barrowman, David Tennant are the ones coming to mind.
Hobbies outside LJ: Writing, reading, video ( ... )


kaitydid33087 June 26 2012, 21:50:54 UTC
Country:US of A

Fandoms:I have so many, that it'd take all day to list them. But here we go. Big Bang Theory, the Office, Doctor Who, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Food Network, Roseanne, Reba, Coffee (because coffee is totally a fandom)
Ships:I ship everyone under the sun, seriously.
Characters:ALL the characters

Books:the Jessica Darling books, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books, the Lorian Legacies series, a Series of Unfortunate Events, Harry Potter, the Hunger Games, the Bean Trees, Animal Dreams, the Secret Life of Bees, the Help
Actress/Actors:Eh, I don't really have any favorties
Hobbies outside LJ: Crocheting, baking, cooking, sleeping, hanging out with friends
Films:Star Wars, the Princess Bride, X-Men: First Class, Disney movies, Across the Universe, Avengers
Music:Mostly musicals and Oldies

Favourite Summer Activity:Hiking, white water rafting, swimming
Favourite Holiday Destination:Oh I don't know, we used to go to Colorado all ( ... )


rosy_nic June 27 2012, 09:42:24 UTC
coffee is fandom!!!!! Underwear is always a good idea :P


cifan70 June 26 2012, 22:31:23 UTC
Name: Kim
Age: 41
Country: USA

Fandoms: Doctor Who, Castle, Fringe, Merlin, Once Upon A Time, anything Food Network, Grimm, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter - I watch a ton of tv but this is really all the fandoms I deal with
Ships: Doctor/Rose, Doctor/River, Ten/Donna, Peter/Olivia, Castle/Beckett, Gwen/Arthur, Rumpel/Belle, Dany/Drogo, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione
Characters: Harry Potter, Peter Bishop, The Doctor, River Song, Olivia Dunham, Walter Bishp, Kate Becket, Rick Castle,

Books: Anything Stephen King, the Nikki Heat series, the alphabet series
Actress/Actors: Joshua Jackson, Zooey Deschanel,, Gordon Ramsey, Nathon Fillion, Stana Katic, Angie Harmon,
Hobbies outside LJ: music, reading, family, iconning via Photoshop obsessively
Films: Harry Potter, Twilight, anything Disney,/Pixar, Avengers, Ironman,
Music: Lady Gaga, Green Day, anything Glee, Shinedown, Beatles, Kelly Clarkson, Adam Lambert

Favourite Summer Activity: I don''t really have one. I don't do anything but work
Favourite Holiday Destination: ( ... )


jediknightmuse June 27 2012, 20:07:00 UTC
Name: Ally
Age: Twenty-six
Country: USA

Fandoms: Star Wars (mainly original trilogy), Firefly, Supernatural, Castle (have seen all of season one and a little more than half of season two), Merlin (BBC), The Hunger Games, Disney movies, Harry Potter, Glee (but not a massive fan, really), various other things listed in my profile.
Ships: Han/Leia, Luke/Mara Jade, Mal/Inara, Kaylee/Simon, Zoe/Wash, Mal/Kaylee (non-romantic), Dean/Jo, Arthur/Gwen, Katniss/Peeta.
Characters: Mal, Luke Skywalker, Katniss, Peeta, Dean, Sam, Inara, Kaylee.

Books: The Hunger Games trilogy, the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, the Sevenwaters series by Juliet Marillier.
Actress/Actors: Ewan McGregor, Idina Menzel, Kristen Chanoweth Nathan Fillion.
Hobbies outside LJ:
Films: Star Wars original trilogy, Serenity, Spider-Man movies, Star Trek 2009, RENT, Phantom of the Opera (2004), Chronicles of Narnia movies, Disney movies, Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, various others in my profile.
Music: David Cook, Disney music, RENT, Phantom of the ( ... )


ghrelin June 29 2012, 04:35:34 UTC
May I add you?


jediknightmuse June 29 2012, 23:54:47 UTC


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