Title: Don't Blink - 9/? Authors: rosewarren and ladychi Characters: Rose, Ten Summary: AU. What if Rose had stayed through Doomsday and was the one to end up in 1969 with the Doctor? Rating: PG
"“You once wore a toga in ancient Rome!” Rose said in a whisper."
Did you ever read the Doctor Who book 'The Stone Rose'? I read that sentence and giggled because it just reminded me of that! Since the Doctor is in Rome, wearing a toga. I am reading it now ^^
I loved your description of the Doctor taking his clothes off! Made me so sad that Rose couldn't be there for the Runaway Bride when he took off his jacket... mmmm. There's something about a man in a dress shirt MINUS the tie that is just so delicious.
I will use my Sexy!Doctor icon for this comment. :)
Comments 37
Did you ever read the Doctor Who book 'The Stone Rose'? I read that sentence and giggled because it just reminded me of that! Since the Doctor is in Rome, wearing a toga. I am reading it now ^^
I will use my Sexy!Doctor icon for this comment. :)
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