I am one of the people who find Feliciano annoying. It's not because of his cheerfulness - I love crazy, hyper Haruhi Suzumiya (The opening parody I saw on your blog encouraged me to watch the anime, for what I'll be eternally grateful. Did you see the film? In my opinion it is the best anime movie of decadee! :D ). What I dislike in North Italy is his sheer stupidity, though in recent chapters it seems to fade and Feliciano seems more likeable to me. I suppose the only chapters in which I actually liked him were the ones in which he was a child - he seemed less stupis then. Oh, the irony!
I don't think he's really stupid, though - I can't particularly remember any moment where he's really stupid, just not getting the atmosphere. (Though I haven't read any of the earlier strips in a while, so I may be missing something.)
I disagree; I think he was the same "not getting the atmosphere" self as he is an adult. I mean, he honestly didn't know HRE liked him until HRE was about to leave. XD Not to mention he didn't seem to pick up on Austria and HRE confusing him for a girl.
By the way, I really wish the graphics of the anime were as pretty as Himaruya's recent arts. In five or even less years he changed from "An average teenager could have drawn this" to "Highest possibly level of manga artist". If that isn't awesome than I do not know what is.
I have to say that my opinion of him switched over time. At first I thought he was cute... then more annoying because he comes across as "stupid". But honestly, I think all the characters behave stupidly. XD Even Germany! I finally came to love him and think he's the sweetest and probably most loving character there is. =w= I'm glad he has some fans. I do think there has to be a bit of inner strength to endure things with a smile.
Comments 8
I disagree; I think he was the same "not getting the atmosphere" self as he is an adult. I mean, he honestly didn't know HRE liked him until HRE was about to leave. XD Not to mention he didn't seem to pick up on Austria and HRE confusing him for a girl.
I haven't seen Haruhi yet.
At first, I didn't too much of him. (Though I was very interested in him, but I felt that way about other characters too.) Somehow he grew on me. :)
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