First Flight (scarvesnhats Day 05)

Oct 05, 2005 20:32

Title: First Flight
Rating: Gen/PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. I believe in happy endings.
Wordcount: 1101
Prompt: Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile.
-- William Cullen Bryant
Notes: Sixth year. Pre-slash. Hints of R/S and L/J. Transfigurations class. Not as autumnal as I wanted it to be.

1 2 3 4 5

In Which Sirius Black Defends the Integrity of An Egg )

james, sirius, lily, scarves and hats, peter, remus

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Comments 20

amberlynne October 5 2005, 20:10:10 UTC
Ack! I am so behind that I haven't commented on the last three parts of this. I wanted you to know that I am loving it. There is so much going on but in a really good way.

I love the way you write The Maurauders as individuals, they way they interact with each other and then the more intimate moments with just Remus and Sirius.

And you desperately have me wondering what's in the letter and at the same time adoring Sirius for doing his best to ignore it. Heh. Remus going toe-to-toe with McGonagall and holding his own is too wonderful for words.

I can't wait to find out what happens next!


rosemaryandrue October 5 2005, 20:25:02 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm having a lot of fun with these clueless boys.

The Marauders' interaction is important to me. I'm primarily a gen-writer so I like to see the relationships as part of a whole mess of other emotions and complications.

And you desperately have me wondering what's in the letter

Um. Yes. I have to the end of the month to figure something out.

Thanks for the comment.


schwarzbrille October 5 2005, 20:30:01 UTC
Such a charming piece. I enjoyed seeing Peter as a useful, interesting character (I still have a hard time with that since we don't know much about him at that point in time) and your McGonagall is quite plucky - I like it!

There's a real sense of camaraderie between the boys in this and it was a blast to read. Great job!


rosemaryandrue October 5 2005, 20:37:57 UTC
I find canon Peter difficult to understand. He's obviously bright because he managed to do the animagus transformation at such a young age (even if he got help, and there's no evidence for that, that's impressive). He can think on his feet - the way he reacts to Sirius' big attack is twisted genius. Then you see him in the Pensieve scene and he's embarrassing. I treat him as being a brilliant theorist but not so good at the practical side of things whereas James and Sirius do things instinctively but are shaky on why they work. He's definitely got McGonagall wrapped around his little finger as well (which is another reason I make him the best liar of them all). It really bugs me when he appears as a squeeing fanboy. The others stay friends with him for years and the Potters trust him. There's got to be a reason for that.

Er. Sorry. Pet rant there ;)

Thanks for the comment. Glad you liked it.


busaikko October 5 2005, 21:14:30 UTC
I always thought Peter might keep book for Hogwarts... one shade innocent of blackmail, perhaps.

Enjoying the stories very much--I love this transfiguration class! I love seeker!McGonagall, I love Remus' graceful floundering... good fun!


rosemaryandrue October 5 2005, 21:36:56 UTC
*nods* He's definitely devious. I see him as the one who comes up with the excuses and cover stories for them. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Order were using him as a spy when Voldemort recruited him.

Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you're enjoying them - I'm having great fun writing them.


juliette_kelley October 6 2005, 03:46:34 UTC
Oh! I adore this! You've made me smile so much!

After a moment, he thought again. That sounded like he thought her hair was falling out. Like the firelight shining-

I completely cracked up after reading that. Poor James. :)

I am completely in love with your writing. I hope you don't mind if I friend you?


rosemaryandrue October 6 2005, 08:05:49 UTC
Poor James. I just saw the prompt and thought, aha, James and and Lily and then it all, as usual, got a little out of hand.

Thanks for the comment. You are friended back ^_^


javajunkie13 October 7 2005, 00:05:11 UTC
Hehe, oh I adore James. XD And I've told you this before, but I love your Peter.

“Are you trying to be clever in my class, Mr Lupin?”

“Shouldn’t I be, professor?” Remus asked and Sirius smirked.

Hehe, I love smart ass Remus.

You have such a fabulous understanding of the boys and their relationship with each other and it really shows through in your writing. Fabulous job. :)


rosemaryandrue October 7 2005, 08:07:00 UTC
Thanks. I think Remus knows exactly how far he can go and does (whereas Sirius and James just charge blithely over the line into the sunset)

Glad you liked it.


nekare October 7 2005, 01:26:20 UTC
Oh, I'm loving this series so much! XD

The feeling of friendship above any other thing is amazing, and I so like your Peter! as you, I've always gotten mad when people write him as a stupid, double-faced James worshipper; and it's only fair that someone will explain the reason of the Marauders trus in him. *ranting*

Anyway, I love your Smart Ass!Remus (as said by javajunkie), pseudoPoet!James and Ostracized!Sirius.


rosemaryandrue October 7 2005, 08:09:55 UTC
I love pseudoPoet!James as a description - that's exactly what I was aiming for.

I think sometimes we get so focussed on Sirius/Remus that we forget they were all friends and for a reason. Dorm-mates isn't enough - Harry's relationship with Dean and Seamus is not like the friendship between the Marauders.

Thanks for commenting.


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