Title: Our stern alarums chang'd to merry meetings
Rating: PG for language
Disclaimer: They're not mine. I'm just borrowing them because I like them.
Wordcount: 1725
Prompt: Two boys kissing on a bench.
Notes: The end ^_^ I finished it! You guys are amazing - I really wouldn't have managed this without your comments. Title from Richard III.
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Comments 45
and James finally proposed.
brilliant story. have loved it from first to last.
(Sorry - I'm a bit incoherant. It's almost 5am and I don't think the 3am gin and tonic helped)
Thanks for the comment - I'm glad you enjoyed it ^_^ It was a blast to write. I want to write more about Ted and Alice and Andromeda.
This was a wonderful fic, through and through.
As a side note, I was just having dinner with an English couple earlier this evening, and I learned about the TV license for the first time. So the joke at the end was both funny to this American, and strangely apropos.
I think anything set in this era has to have that edge. There's too many horrors around them to be ignored.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for all your comments. ^_^ As I said above, I really wouldn't have finished without people's feedback.
Thanks for the comment :)
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