Title: Flying Free
Rating: PG for kiss and some language. Very, very AU
Disclaimer: They're not mine. I'm just borrowing them because I like them. The world they're playing in today is mine, though.
Wordcount: 2372
tellmeakiss Day 16 - AU, wings. Note the AU, please.
Notes: PoA, as it might have happened in another world, where everyone has wings.
There was no space for wings in Azkaban, and if he ever forgot it he would die, as most of those confined here died, their wings snapped against the hard bricks. )
Comments 17
are you thinking of maybepossiblyhopefully continuing this? I know it's an AU, but it's so beautiful, and I'd love to see more parallels between this and the books.
also- I'd love to read more about Remus's 'problem', I'm uncertain as to what happens to him, besides the whole demon thing.
I was deliberately vague about Remus' condition. I skimmed through some myths but I couldn't find an avian equivalent of lycanthrophy. There are flying demons in that world, though, so I'm sure I could fake some equivalent.
I'm glad you liked it :) Thanks for the comment.
Oh, I love this.
I mean: Wow, that was really vivid and excellent and beautiful. I was confused by Jabber, however, mainly because I can't figure out who it's supposed to be -- Dumbledore? Snape?
and am endlessly amused by Peter as Parakeet.
Jabber was meant to be the equivalent nickname to Wormtail - I should have made it clearer. Wormtail wouldn't have worked for a budgie so I went from Scabbers to Jabber.
I had great fun working out the animagi forms.
Thanks for the comment - sorry it took so long to reply :)
That was interesting.
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