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Comments 3

liliaeth October 16 2012, 11:33:30 UTC
loved this fic, but just thought I'd let you know there's a problem with the links in the masterpost. None of them seem to work correctly


roselani24 October 16 2012, 17:05:51 UTC
Thanks for the heads up about the links. I fixed it and they should work fine now.

Also thanks for reading the story! :) Glad you enjoyed it.


shinobus November 2 2012, 16:17:56 UTC
Yay! Oh my, you took this to some places I did not expect... in that we would get to see Dean and Peter's relationship grow over the years.

Can I say that I cannot wait till next year? The fall-out from Dean's explanation and more... Dean and Neal meeting again after so many years and so many things happening...


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