Follow Me Home...Art Master Post

Sep 14, 2011 18:31

I had the wonderful opportunity to make the art forfate_incomplete's amazing story, "Follow Me Home" for the Supernatural Gen Big Bang.  Thanks girl for a wonderful first-time experience as an artist for a Big Bang!

So if you haven't yet, go read it!  Its awesome!

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supernatural gen big bang, castiel, follow me home, art master post, dean winchester, supernatural

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Comments 13

deadflowers5 September 15 2011, 09:15:41 UTC
Great art! I especially loved on the second part the broken paper feeling.


roselani24 September 18 2011, 09:43:52 UTC
Thank you so much! Lol, yeah, that one was actually my favorite as I was making these. Thanks for commenting!


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roselani24 September 18 2011, 09:46:12 UTC
*gapes* Wow... I wasn't expecting that kind of reaction. Thank you!!!


fate_incomplete September 15 2011, 21:41:24 UTC
Thanks so much again for the beautiful art. I love the moodiness of them, particualry the blue one of Dean looking out the window. It is simply stunning, the colours, the atmosphere, when it showed up in my inbox, it simply blew me away. I had a lot of fun writing this story, and working with you and the art you made for it, just made it that much more enjoyable.


roselani24 September 18 2011, 09:49:49 UTC
You are most welcome! It was my pleasure and honor to make them for such a fantastic story. :D
Hehe, love your icon btw. Looks very familiar... ;)


laughtersmelody September 16 2011, 01:20:10 UTC
I already commented on some of these since you were kind enough to show them to me, but I just had to say again, these are all so wonderful! :) Just absolutely great. You did such an amazing job creating scenes from the fic!


roselani24 September 18 2011, 09:51:25 UTC
*blushes* Thanks girl!!! *pounces* Your feedback, as always, is much loved an appreciated! :D

Me likes your icon too! :P


reapertownusa September 16 2011, 05:05:23 UTC
The tone of these is exquisite! And it's such an absolutely tantalizing peek into the story. Such wicked teasers ;)


roselani24 September 18 2011, 09:52:19 UTC
Thank you so much! :)


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