Myshuno! 23: Snow

Dec 31, 2011 01:42

Prompt: Snow
Universe: Future Unnamed Legacy
Word Count: 454
Notes: No names are given felt right? I don't know, you can probably guess who at least three of the characters are anyway. :P

No one moved.

They all stared in shock at the figure huddled in the center of the circle. She quietly moaned - whether from pain or something else, no one could tell.

She tried to sit up, but failed, huddling back into a ball instead.

One of the watchers stepped forward. "Are...are you alright?"

She ignored him.

Another watcher looked up. "Something is wrong." He held out a hand. "It's snowing. It's not supposed to be snowing."

His wife shook her head. "It's the middle of summer. What's going on?"

The man nearest the center of the circle unfurled his wings and held out his hands, a silent warning for everyone to stay back. "Something went wrong," he said.

"That's pretty obvious," the first watcher said. His voice was worried. His hands moved in the direction of the woman, as though he wanted to touch her, to help her, but knew it wouldn't be a good idea. "What happened?"

Her voice, when it came, was scratchy and sad, not at all like her normal voice. "You fucked up."


"All of you. You fucked up."

"But we saved you," one of the new arrivals said.

"And doomed everyone else."

The winged man shook his head. "It doesn't have to be the end."

She looked up at him. "I've lost control. It shouldn't be snowing. It shouldn't be like this." She looked around at the loose circle of people around her. "You're all pressing on me! I can't take it!"

The man knelt down next to her. "Let go. One at a time, let go of them. You can afford to."

She looked at him solemnly, slowly nodded, and closed her eyes and set to work. One by one, she dropped the new arrivals, then the watchers, until finally only a few were left. Slowly, the snow stopped, and everything returned to normal. She sighed as she opened her eyes again. They'd gone back to their normal brown, rather than the black she'd had just a few moments before. "Okay. I can handle this."

He nodded, then tilted his head at the first watcher, who came over and gently cradled her in his arms. She closed her eyes.

"What happened?" a voice asked quietly, one of the new arrivals.

The woman looked up. "You fucked up."

"But how? And what did you do to us?"

A second new arrival nodded. "I feel weird."

"Like I don't belong," a third one said.

The winged man looked down. "You want to explain, or should I?"

The woman sat up. "I will." She looked around at the crowd. "Sit down, everyone, and I'll explain exactly how you fucked up, and what I had to do to fix it."

myshuno!, sim_spiration, future unnamed legacy, sims2

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