Myshuno! 15: The Afters Quote

Dec 21, 2011 18:43

Prompt: The Afters Quote
"It’s not the end but it feels like it is
I’m waking up like I’m back from the dead
I’m stepping out and it feels so free
But as long as I’m moving it’s alright.”"
- The Afters Never Going Back to OK
Universe: Not Saying The Boolpropian Round Robin Legacy: Generation Eight
Word Count: 310
Notes: Muchly of the spoilery, though I don't know if this particular scene will ever appear. Not even saying whether this has anything to do with the previous spoilery ficlet, or whether the characters are the same or not. But again, if you think you know what's going on, talk to me privately rather than commenting. :D

We stood awkwardly in the front hall. All that needed to be said had been said, but leaving isn't always as easy as it looks.

"I guess this is goodbye," I said finally. She nodded and unlocked the door, holding it open for me to leave.

I tried not to look back as I walked to the car. But, as I opened the trunk and dumped my bag in the back, I couldn't help but glance, once, at the door.

It was closed.

I closed my eyes for a second, then went to the driver's seat. I set the seat and the mirrors (it was obvious I hadn't been the last one to drive the car), then turned on the radio. I've never been good at driving without music, especially on long drives - and as I wasn't completely certain where I was going, this was definitely going to be a long drive.

As I pulled out of the driveway and drove down the road, passing the house where I'd grown up and the houses of all of my friends, a song I'd never heard before began playing. "It’s not the end but it feels like it is / I’m waking up like I’m back from the dead / I’m stepping out and it feels so free / But as long as I’m moving it’s alright."

I laughed, freely, for the first time in what felt like years. After everything that had happened, my emotions were a mess. I had a feeling I'd swing back and forth for a long time to come. But the song? Was me. So very me.

As I reached the highway entrance, I smiled. I was moving. And as long as I kept moving - as long as I didn't give up on finding what I was missing - everything was going to be okay.

myshuno!, sim_spiration, sims2

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