Dave Lovestruck app

Oct 07, 2011 00:18

Player name: Rose
Journal: roseblades
Birthdate: 6/10/89
Other characters played: N/A

Name: Dave Strider
Canon: Homestuck
Canon point: When he leaves Derse to save Rose
Age: Canon: 13, aging him up to 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Here
History: Wikia
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual. Canonically, Dave shows some interest in women but also has a habit of "ironically" bringing up homosexual encounters for either trolling purposes or just because he was raised in a house full of heavily phallic imagry. He doesn't care so much for normal standards, seeing a person for who they are rather than what gender they are. An asshole is an asshole, male or female, and the same mindset could be applied to romantic interests as well. He doesn't however have a very strong grasp of such things in the first place, so he himself has virtually no idea aside from what's the norm theoretically as he was raised in an odd manner.
Personality: "Coolkid" is a term often used to describe Dave. He views himself as the most awesome guy around and often tells his friends they should be taking notes on how to be cool, he's just that good. With a reputation comes the negative side, and Dave's often more of an "insufferable prick" than he is simply cool, but his friends at least are somehow able to overlook such things and do nothing but feed his ego by always telling him how cool and awesome he is. But really, they're simply feeding his image. No matter how cool, or how "ironic", Dave tries to be, he has a very low opinion of himself. His mask is something he prides himself in, the perfect poker face no matter what the situation. He can handle anything with a shrug of his shoulders and a blank stare through his awesome shades, never letting a bit of emotion go through and express itself in any real form other than on occasion when he's by himself.

He was raised alone by his 'older brother' who is in fact his genetic father, though he's unaware of such a thing as Bro never got around to being truthful with Dave. As he grew he looked up to this brother, wanted to be just like him and often would mimic is every move, almost every habit, every expression. He thought there was no one in the world that was more awesome than his bro, and he firmly stuck to that belief no matter how weird or freaky some of Bro's hobbys were. He would defend him, using the term 'irony' to justify every sick and oddly degenerate hobby that his Bro had, also the lame ones. He doesn't have an actual concept of Irony, merely the Strider brand of it which isn't actually irony at all. Strider Irony is simply them slapping the word irony over something that would be normally socially unacceptable or considered completely lame and uncool, and making it cool just by their sheer willpower and aura. He has the image of a flippant coolkid, and that's all he needs to get away with things that most people can't, just like he learned how to do from his bro.

But even Dave gets that it's mostly bullshit, somewhere deep in the back of his mind. The puppets he once thought were cool when he was a kid give him nightmares, and he has a slightly unsettling feeling and most likely a phobia of plush rump by the time the game is set in motion, but even still he tries to tell himself they're cool because they're ironic and they belong to his brother who's the coolest ironic dude ever. He will never admit to himself the possibility that his bro is really just a creepy pervert with some weird fetishes.

Though even without admitting it, Dave's picked up the sexual undertones of most of the things his brother puts his time into. He can take any conversation and turn it into something sexual to throw off or unsettle someone if he's really trying, like he did in his talk with Tavros Nitram. The boy tried to troll him, and failed miserably as he freaked out by Dave's graphic descriptions of a possible sexual encounter between them and in the end ended up being the one to block Dave from his list. Rose has even stated before that most of Dave's dreams and a fair amount of what he says at times has serious homoerotic undertones, probably resulting from the phallicness of the numerous smuppets his bro liked to collect and often burry his little brother in.

Despite his sharp tongue and coolkid appearance though, Dave's insecurities with himself outweighs almost everything else. He doesn't believe he's good enough like John, never believing himself to be any sort of hero. He wasn't meant for great things, just to set shit up for other people to do the great things. He has no issues with this supposedly, accepting it as a simple fact of life. But aside from that, possibly his biggest insecurity of all is his eyes. Even if Striders give off the no fucks given vibe, Dave clearly gives all the fucks as he never removes his shades. His eyes are an unnatural color, and as such he always keeps them hidden no matter what, going to great lengths to make sure he doesn't ever take off the shades even in the darkest areas. He wants people to believe he doesn't care what they think, when really he knows himself he cares too much.

Dave also has the inability to show emotion, he wasn't raised like a normal child and was taught to always hide himself and always keep his cool. Don't react to things, make sure no one can know what you're thinking. While good strategy for a fighter, not necessarily the best way for a child to be taught at a young age. He's socially awkward but covers it up with his coolkid persona and easily fools everyone to being none the wiser. He often goes to Rose with dreams or issues he can't understand, things that make absolutely no sense to him because they're either too messed up or too confusing for him to be able to process on his own. This way at least he realizes he does need therapy and instead of admitting he has a problem he just uses it as asking advice from a friend. Who happens to be an ace at psychology and possibly training to be a therapist herself. But really, it's just a totally cool conversation between friends, nothing wrong with that.

He puts a lot of weight into his own beliefs, rarely taking the time to stop and consider just what someone else could possibly be planning. When things are taken out of his hands and going a different way, he becomes a bit more unsure and the coolkid mask slips just a bit, and he usually retaliates with a fair amount of complaints and trying to figure out ways for the situation to be returned to his hands and what he wants to do with it, like how Rose decided to go to the Green Sun herself instead of following the plan of Dave going. A loner by nature, he's slowly trying to get used to being around other people who aren't Bro and trying to fit their beliefs in with his own, it simply doesn't work out most of the time. He's stubborn as hell, willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goals and make sure everything stays in the order he wants it in. If it's not? He fucks around with time abit until it is.

He's still highly dependable though, going as far as he can to help his friends and trying to make things easier on them. He'd rather carry all the burdens himself and allow them to live in blissful ignorance. Such is shown when he finds another dead body of himself in his room, a doomed Dave that had met with a tragic end. He doesn't want Jade to see it, so he throws it out of his window into the lava below. It puts him in a mild state of shock, having his own blood on his hands after disposing of his own body, but even the psychological weight of that on his mind was better than letting Jade see him and her getting upset over it. In small ways like that he tries to be considerate of others, he simply doesn't really now how and most of the time trying too hard ends up in him coming off as a total self centered prick. Which really, he is to a very high degree and doesn't even have to try at, but there are good intentions there a fair number of the times.
Powers/Abilities: + First of all, Dave is the Knight of Time and as such time has a different hold on him than it does others. With his turntables he can control the flow of time and bend it to his needs, even if they're completely childish or random. He does so often, and is supposedly the one who abuses his powers more than anyone else. He's also been shown to be able to control the flow of time of things he holds as well, changing a broken sword back in time to a point where it wasn't broken and then switching it back when he's done using it.
+ Thanks to Bro, Dave's a skilled swordsman and fairly decent when it comes to fighting with them, even if they're shitty replicas or broken swords he can still make the most of them and kick ass. His speed is also admirable, being trained in the ways of being a totally badass ninja. That's right. A Texan Rapper Ninja. Hell fucking yes.
+ His Sylladex is an inventory system commonly used in his world that contains two decks of cards, Captchalogue Deck for storing regular items and the Strife Deck for storing weapons that are equipped.
+ Dave has a special type of Hash Map Modus attached to his Sylladex that allows regular items to be used as weapons as well, rather they be actual weapons that aren't his weaponkind he's just carrying or everyday items that could prove to be lethal in the wrong setting. Each card in teh deck is given a number from zero to the number of cards in the deck minus one. The Modus can be changed around, vowels and consonants are either assigned 1 or 2, the number of the word is then added up and divided by the number of cards in the deck. There are two other options as well, assigning a number based on the number of a letter from the alphabet or assigning a number based on the values of scrabble pieces. The resulting number becomes it's index number, but Dave has to be careful with what he calls things because if an object already occupies the card of that number, the first item is ejected to make room for the new one. However, if he has the 'detect collisions' box checked, it prevents the second item from being captchalogged. It's a slower, but safer method to go by for him. There's also a button that can eject his entire sylladex at once if need be. In order to retrieve an item from it, he must do an action or say a keyword that produces the same number as the desired index card. Sometimes, they even activate on accident as he screamed 'stop' and his sword was ejected. He would have 'Hash Map Rap Battles' with Bro, each of them using words in their rap battle specifically meant to eject certain items from their sylladexes to attack.
+ Dave also has another Modus given to him by an alternate future self, holding a large number of cards and considerably easier to use and less annoying. It is unknown and never stated what exactly what or how this new modus works.
Items: All of his items were in his Sylladex, he has nothing but his shades and awesome pink pajamas.
Extra: Still unsure about the Sylladex thing, so going with the assumption that it falls under one of the powers for now and wouldn't be accessable.

Both samples taken from another game
1st Person Sample: [text]
ok cool
listen up lameasses cause i aint gonna repeat this shit
better take some notes on how to be awesome while youre at it

coolest dave strider here crashin onto the scence
but shit aint chill cause youre all fuckin up my routine
knight of time with the sickest motherfuckin rhymes
you aint got a clue who youre fuckin with here
better off crawling up in some shithole to disappear
i aint hatin but i gotta say
you fuckers are just gettin in my way
i got friends who are in need of some assistance
so just direct me home to the path with least resistance
dont sit around on your ass and contemplate
cause im in the mood to dominate
holdin someone captives a class a crime
even a coolkid like me just aint enough got

ok seriously though
where the fuck am i and how do i get out of here
3rd Person Sample: Most people would think pink pajamas would look totally lame and no where near what could be considered the image of cool, especially if they were accompanied by a cute little crown of twigs and berries, but that just wasn't the case here. Because the case here didn't have just any lame dude wearing those items, no, it had the most awesome dude in the universe donning them without a single fuck given. They were made cool, simply because he was the one wearing him. Shits so chill no one would be able to touch him without freezing. Sitting there at the base of a statue, (What the hell was that? The Virgin Mary? So lame dude.) one leg bent under him and the other bent up to make a rather uncomfortable armrest as he slouched forward against it and leaned back on his other hand at the same time, was the coolest kid any creature had ever gotten the privalage to lay their eyes on.

Only he wasn't feeling so cool right about now. Actually he felt kind of lame, even lamer than his outfit and twice as lame as the irony that somehow comes with being in what appeared to be a temple that looked as though it could have come out of some shitty 'As long as you believe in someone, you're on the right path' equality in religeon campaign. Definitely not something he'd want to get anywhere near, coolkids don't go for things like that. But, back to the main point, that even shouldn't matter obviously because right now he wasn't the 'coolkid'. Right now he was the 'kid who can apparently be knocked unconcious by a ball of fucking yarn and can't even do anything right even if it's something as heroic as trying to save his sister'. Nah. Titles too long for him. How about the 'not so coolkid'. So many less words with all the implied meanings that no one actually has to know but himself. Yep, that's much better. Not to mention it covered even the levels of uncool that normal people couldn't possibly comprehend without a firm understanding of the truly ironic. So basically he only had to worry about being caught as uncool if by some weird freaky time and space shenanigans he was seen sitting there brooding to himself by the one guy in the incipisphere that could see through every layer of bs and kick his ass until each one was gone. Luckily though the possibility of that happening was highly unlikely.

Dave Strider, former coolkid who's currently the not so coolkid sat there staring forward at nothing in particular, eyes behind his shades looking just a bit more narrow than normal. That is, if anyone even knew what normal looked like for him. This wasn't Derse, that much even someone like Egbert would be able to pinpoint without much difficulty. Wasn't any planet he had been on and could recognize, not even Earth itself. Such a heafty plate of bullshit couldn't possibly be served up by the game, they had most of that shit figured out already. Couldn't be Harley's freaky space powers either, he would have noticed a shift of some sort.

But he didn't. He hadn't noticed anything. One moment he was trying to be all badass and heroic and the next? Bam. Cold stone floor of possibly one of the most ironic looking temples he'd ever laid eyes on with virtually no explanation of what the fuck was going on. And no internet connection, no way for his computers to connect properly and not even his iShades working the way they should. Something was seriously wrong, and he really didn't think he liked it. Even ironically.

The thought crossed his mind that perhaps now would be a good time to ironically bleat like a goat and see if that did anything, but that was stupid. There wasn't time for bullshit like that, even if he could always make time for it. Some things were just more important, and as skewed as his priorities could be this just happened to be one of those times when the great Dave Strider was at a complete fucking loss of what to do. Somewhere out there, his sister was in danger. Somewhere, one of his best friends was being stalked by a freaky fucking dogbirdswordclown monster with some fetish for her. Somewhere, there was a derp who not only probably had no idea of what was going on but also would be just fucked without him there to pull all the strings and take care of business.

He had to find a way back, had to find a way to get to Rose before it was too late. The urgency swirling inside of his chest, the tightness and the panic and the worry and everything that was totally not so cool, none of it showed. On the outside, he was still the perfect pokerface, only now staring almost boredly at the handheld that he definitely didn't remember carrying on him before. Thing was a cheap piece of shit compared to his hardware, but it at least seemed to work so it was ironically good enough.

dave strider, app, lovestruck

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