I hate when I guess how to do things wrong. Like putting the lining on this stupid dress. Totally forgot about the fact it wouldn't be able to turn right side out the way I was doing it. So I had to take a lot of it apart and I'm going to have to stitch it all up by hand now
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This is mostly for Alyce to see but I've been working on a Fai costume for her doll and thought I'd share some progress now that the shirt is done. I did mock-ups for all 3 layers already so just gotta make the coats and stuff.
So just to let you all know, I think I'm ready to take on actual cosplay commissions. So pass word along. Not quite ready to go about making an entry on cosplay.com classifieds for it but right now poking around to give a head's up
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As I've done some embroidery lately on some of my costumes due to having access to Mom's amazing uber embroidery machine...I can't help but think maybe I should take advantage of this and actually start making patches to sell and whatnot
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