5 years ago...

Dec 14, 2011 15:50

Five years and two months ago I discovered fanfiction. Five years and two weeks ago I woke up with an idea for a story that wouldn't go away until I finished writing it. Then five years ago today I made my own livejournal account so I'd have a way of posting that story somewhere online when I finished it (about two weeks after that ( Read more... )

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rose_griffes December 19 2011, 01:23:51 UTC
C: I'm fascinated that you wrote Lord of the Rings fic; the very idea of that terrifies me, because it's so complex. (Book fandoms in general intimidate me, but that one in particular.)

G: How you've ended up living in so many places and what you think about that.

H: I'm trying to find the version I want you to hear, but basically one of my long-term interests is the song Two Sisters or "The Cruel Sister"--because it's interesting that versions of it appear in so many cultures. Plus the fact that it's potentially the remnants of multiple songs shoved together. Sometimes they're farmer's daughters, sometimes they're the daughters of a nobleman. Sometimes the miller steals a gold ring off the dead body, sometimes he's not in it. Sometimes the body is mistaken for a swan. And of course, versions in which the dead sister is made into a harp that sings her sister's guilt are soooo... weird and cool? And weird ( ... )


daybreak777 December 14 2011, 23:44:02 UTC
Me! Me!

I love this meme and will pick it too when my LJ-versary comes!



rose_griffes December 17 2011, 11:36:56 UTC
B: sooooo many icons. Your current default sunrise, how to survive an LJ blackout, you as a Simpson, my favorite Callum icon... I think you have the most icons I associate with you! Which is not all that surprising, considering that you've been on my f'list for so long and have stayed on LJ.

D: Soooooo many reason! ;-) What comes to mind first for your general awesomeness is that you're consistent. (Wait! It's supposed to be flattering, don't roll your eyes! hehe) You've definitely evolved over your time on LJ, but having met you, I can see you from beginning to now in your LJ posts. And a lovely self it is; I'm so glad I took the initiative and added you to my reading list--a step that I was very unlikely to take first back then. (And even now, to be honest ( ... )


lizardbeth_j December 15 2011, 01:36:42 UTC

b, f, and g!

I should check my anniversary date, I have no idea when it is, since I signed up way before I used it for anything. (trying to namesquat and just-plain-lizardbeth was STILL before me! )


rose_griffes December 19 2011, 16:57:49 UTC
B: Aside from your pretty detault (Anders! Gun! Arms! Guh!) I pick the one with Lee Adama making that ridiculous face! It has the caption "Frak!"

F: In a gray and hollow place, the ashes of our dreams always comes to mind first; I don't know what that says about me and my predilection for mostly-depressing Earth (I) fics... :) Not All That We Are for the whole world of difference a small change can make.

G: Does "Why the Christian Bale obsession?" count as non-fandom? Hee. Hmm... actually, why law? That's definitely not fandom-related (except for how I'm wondering about Detective Carter passing the bar exam and how I may have to write fic).


lizardbeth_j December 19 2011, 21:15:34 UTC
G. Well, I'll answer both, even though yeah, it's probably a fandom! I think it's because he's my age and I remember watching Empire of the Sun when I was young and being amazed. And so he was kinda always on my radar as someone I thought was talented. But it wasn't until I was doing research for my American Psycho YT fic two years ago, and I was reading an interview with him. And I kinda just fell for him in all his weird obsessive RL nutso-ness. There're two stories I adore. The first is when he was auditioning for AmerPsycho he had to meet Bret Easton Ellis (not exactly a normal dude), and Christian completely adopted the Bateman personality for the meeting - to the extent where Ellis himself got creeped out and told him to stop it. The second story is a different interview where he admitted that he gets very bored in press interviews so he tells the interviewers things that arent' true just to entertain himself. And I just love that. So I guess it's the mystery of being open about the fact that he has a persona and ( ... )


rose_griffes December 19 2011, 23:10:41 UTC
Ahahaha, Christian Bale managed to freak out the man wrote American Psycho?! That is awesome.

AS for law, Carter was in Afghanistan at some point in 2004... and she passed the bar in 2004. Which says to me that she had already done the coursework before her tour of duty. And she also joined the NYPD in '04. Heh. '04 was a busy year for her!


sabaceanbabe December 15 2011, 03:30:59 UTC
Wow. I need to check my LJversary date, too. I just remember I was lured in by some of my Scaper friends.

And, um, d, f, and g. Please. :)

*hugs you tight*

I'm glad you're on my flist.


rose_griffes December 17 2011, 12:12:07 UTC
D: You're awesome in a multitude of ways! Your enthusiasm when you have a fandom you love, your humor, your generosity in helping--I'm thinking in particular of the couple of times you've done last-minute beta-reading for me, but I've seen it reflected throughout your LJ.

Also, you have gorgeous prose.

Speaking of that, F: ack, how am I supposed to choose! Hm... at this moment I'll go with 1) "Freefall" for the Cally POV, because I love getting (totally made-up but plausible) details about the minor characters; 2) "Romo Lampkin, Esquire" for the hilarious Romo POV with all his scheming pettiness. 3) "Not a Fairytale" for the Kara/Sam angst. *cries again*

(Huh, how do I not have 2 and 3 bookmarked on my delicious.com account? Must remedy when I'm on the other computer.)

G: Hm... music. Although there is a fandom connection--I know some about your musical tastes because of fanvids, but I'm interested in your connection to music outside of vidding.

And thank you! *hugs back* I'm so glad you're on my f'list as well.


sabaceanbabe December 19 2011, 19:34:13 UTC
*hugs you tight*

I'm interested in your connection to music outside of vidding.

I love music. You'd think I'd be some kind of musician or singer or composer or something, I love it so much, but no. I just love it. I paint/draw or write and it always comes easier when there's music. If there's music playing and I'm not lost in something else, like a story or drawing, I can't stop myself from moving with it, even though I hate to dance. (I don't like people looking at me. :P) And I'll listen to anything that has layers, whether it's layers of instruments and themes or layers within the lyrics or layers of meaning, whatever. Genre doesn't matter. The only thing that might throw me out of it, make me not want to listen, is if I don't like a singer's voice (some just grate, like Bob Dylan - I can't get past his voice to listen to the rest of it, and I *know* he'd hit on the other points).

There. More than you wanted to know, huh? ;)


rose_griffes December 19 2011, 19:56:16 UTC
Hee, nope, it was interesting!

I started taking piano lessons again a little over a year ago, so I'm rediscovering a more personal connection to music. Though it's frustrating; I can't 'read' music with the facility that I deal with other languages and I get impatient with myself.

So much agreement about Bob Dylan. Fascinating songs, can't stand his voice.


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