Title: Catalyst T-Verse: Generation 1 Rating: Teen Characters: Megatron, Shockwave Summary: When an offer to help comes, Megatron has to meet the mech in person - even if it is a trap. Prompt: Shockwave/Megatron - Two Lone gunmen
Title: What is art? Characters: Sunstreaker, Sludge Series: Generation 1 Rating: K Summary: An artist enjoys recognition - sadly, the Ark doesn’t have enough room for all the budding artists. Prompt: 1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Title: Truth cannot be denied Rating: K+ Author: Rose0mary Series: any/all - SG AU Characters: Megatron, Summary: AU SG/MV has denied the existence of a creator for so long, they’ve forgotten about Primus. Most of them. Prompt: Best Memory
TITLE: Catch Me (If you can) RATING: K CHARACTERS: Smokescreen, Bluestreak, VERSE: Generation 1 SUMMARY: Tag can be a two person game - add 'going in circles' and its suddenly a race. PROMPT: Bluestreak/Smokescreen, On Track