Title: Reliving History Rating: K Series: Generation 1 Characters: Kup, Author: Rose0mary Summary: Time is immaterial, stories are eternal Prompt: 1 Story ends “… and that is the best memory of my life”
Hmm, I wonder what Starscream and Perceptor achieved. It seems that they are already in an alternative universe, and whatever they did somehow saved Cybertron in "ours"
Probably a good thing Starscream wasn't there when Igneous woke up.
Well, ... they didn't say I had to draw on canon! (and I started with a worst-case scenario from the 1984 Transformers: The Movie), so in that sense, they did save 'ours'. Don't ask how, because Perceptor isn't explaining, and Starscream is off being all ghostly.
Comments 2
Probably a good thing Starscream wasn't there when Igneous woke up.
Don't ask how, because Perceptor isn't explaining, and Starscream is off being all ghostly.
Starscream and Igneous ... bad combination.
Thank you for reviewing.
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