So, I had a slightly traumatic trip to the hair dressers this weekend. I've been super sick this year, mono, flu, food poisoning twice, possibly three times, multiple nasty colds, and I just got over my latest bout of summer flu a couple of days ago. All in all it kind of did a number on my hair. I had to get four inches cut off, and apparently that wasn't actually everything that was needed. HOWEVER, I haven't seriously cut my hair since I was twelve - I go in every six months and get everything trimmed and neatened, but my hair's blunt cut with no layers and usually doesn't give me any fuss.
Four inches is a big deal. Shush. Stop looking at me like I'm overreacting! =P. Anyway my hair went from past my hip bones to just brushing my waist and I realised - I've had the same hairstyle for years and years and years. I want a change.
Unfortunately my hair doesn't hold styles well, and I don't enjoy blow drying, so it'd have to be a fuss free style, which got me thinking - maybe I should just dye my hair another colour instead. Yes, I have blonde hair and apparently that's enviable, but my hair isn't a set colour - it's ash blonde up top and gradually blends down into light blonde at the roots, but I constantly have to spray the top to prevent it from looking like a super bad regrowth (I wear hats all summer and beanies all winter).
MOVING ON TO MY ORIGINAL POINT. Can I pull off strawberry blonde? Having blond hair has made me terrified of hair dye, and I'll never dye my hair brown or black, so I thought just a reddish tint might give it something a little more interesting. I don't know. I'm super indecisive about these sorts of things. It's why I buy clothes about once a year, and it's usually just a new pair of jeans.
Here is my hair as of christmas day. Admittedly I was having a freakishly good hair day volume wise, so it doesn't normally sit up quite so majestically, but you get a good idea of the colour. I have ash blonde eyebrows, which I THINK could hold up against a light reddish rinse. Maybe?
And here's my gimshophappyfuntimes.
The first is the colour I'm thinking of. I like the second, but I think it's a bit too big of a change to start off with. Plus I'm not quite sure what I'll do if I don't like it... I mean, could I dye my hair back to an approximation of it's natural colour or would the dye fade and the regrowth not look too awful, or what? Guh. I sometimes wish I'd inherited my fathers brown hair. At least if you go wrong with brown hair you can just dye it back to your original colour.
Your thoughts, of mighty and wise Friends List?