Stone Telling 11 is here!
We are very pleased to announce that a new issue of Stone Telling, Reverberations, has gone live - with fabulous poetry by voices all new to us, and a review of Lisa M. Bradley’s collection The Haunted Girl, by Alex Dally MacFarlane. We hope you give these treasures a read!
We also have many announcements to make. First is the rate increase -
thanks to our Patreon supporters, we are increasing our pay from 5$ to 10$ a poem starting immediately, so that our new poets are paid at the new rate! The rates for nonfiction and epic length poetry remain unchanged, but we are hoping to raise our rates yet more with Patreon support, down the road.
Second, we have announced two reading periods, for ST 12 (Hope-themed), and ST13 (the Joke issue). For more information, please see the
updated guidelines.
Third, we have added a new team member - Bogi Takács, whose work has appeared in ST previously, has joined the team as an assistant editor.
Last but not least, we still have a few outstanding blog post interviews with ST10 poets, and will be publishing these, as well as blog post interviews with ST11 poets.
Happy reading - and thank you, as always, for being here.
Originally published at
RoseLemberg.net. You can comment here or