Yesterday I finished watching Reply 1994, so it's time of the usual post! This season... I haven't watched a lot of things, and most of them weren't nothing special. But there were two drama I absolutely loved!
[Ando Lloyd]Ando LLoyd - A.I. Knows Love?? I've started watching this drama when it was about to end, and only because I saw on tumblr a gif of Mirei and Yuuko together and I asked where was it from. So basically I've started it for Mirei! Aaaaand she was awesome, she totally suits this kind of characters >.< The drama was... I still don't know? Sci-fi isn't really my genre, I liked Platina Data and GANTZ (it was sci-fi, right?) only because the storyline was really well done and the acting was good. In Ando LLoyd the acting was... nothing... special, and the plot was really confusing and for most of the time I had no idea where the story was going O_O And it was really surreal, but I guess that's the point of sci-fi? But yeah, it was a mess. I watched it without many problems, though, mostly because I wanted to know the end, and see if it'd make any sense XD (Honestly, I'm still confused) You know what I didn't like at all? That Mirei was in every single episode, and on tumblr there's only ONE GIF of her. (yes she was the highlight of the drama u.u I liked Suppli too. The other characters were nothing)
[Dokushin Kizoku]Dokushin Kizoku I'd like to know HOW did I manage to finish watching this thing. Boring, boring, BORING. A strange man who is against marriage, his brother who is a Mister Nobody full of women who somehow falls in love with the main girl, and the aspiring scriptwriter who is another nobody. I even liked the 1st episode, but then everything became so incredibly BORING. How. I liked 2 things of this drama: the opening in b&w, and the girl who had to marry the guy played by Tsuyoshi? (I don't know a single name, the only one I know is Haruno Yuki because everyone obnoxiously repeated it for the whole drama). Anyway, I really liked that woman, I wanted the guy to marry her tbh.
[Legal High 2]Legal High 2 Like I always say: if you haven't watched the 1st season of this drama, DO IT. When tehy announced the 2nd season I was so so happy, because this drama is awesome. Japan's never had a drama like this or a character like Komikado, and words can't express how much I like this man. With 2nd seasons of great things there's always the danger of becoming boring, repetitive, of ruin the original series. With Legal High, nothing like that happened, and maybe for some things I enjoyed this season more than the 1st one. They added great characters, there was a main story that developed through the drama, and some points were SO GOOD (the end of the 6th episode???). And they made me like Komikado even more. Not because he's so ridiculous, so exaggerated he's funny, but because, even with his methods, even with all the mean things he says... he's often right? They briefly showed us that there so much more about him, something that we probably never saw fully. But in the last episode, when he says that, to win, one must love the uglyness of the human kind, and eveything he says in that scene... it was beautiful. The other characters were great too, the acting was awesome: Sakai Masato is really a wonderful actor and I'm glad that he's finally being recognized, Gakki has grown a lot, and it has been awhile since I last saw something with Okada Masaki, he got a lot better ;_; For the first time, I was thinking about writing a fic based on a drama, but then the ending ruined my plans XD
[Heirs]The Heirs ... ... What should I say? I didn't know what to expect from this drama, but surely I wasn't expecting this mess. First, the things I liked: the side characters. They were all cute and quite funny. I quite liked even Rachel, who isn't funny and is kind of a bitch, but towards the end she becomes SO CUTE ugh. (and I think the actress and the guy who played the student president got together after the drama??? ;_;) Bo Na was flawless, and I have a huge soft spot for Myungsoo. And the two mothers!! The true otp. I don't want to talk about Young Do, because I love him and I'm still sad for him. But can we please congratulate with the scriptwriter for creating the two most annoying main characters in the world?? I HATE THEM. I'm so glad they got together because at least no one else will have to spend his/her life with them. Kim Tan is an useless crybaby full of himself who makes a lot of stupid promises and doesn't keep them. He's also arrogant and a douche and I wanted to punch him in the face for the whole drama. Cha Eung Sang was introduced as a sassy girl who doesn't let anyone disrespect her, but after few episodes she becomes a dumb, silly girl who let anyone answer to her cellphone, doesn't have a clear opinion about anything, doesn't know what she wants, is a pain in the ass and thinks only about herself and Kim Tan. Who is Chan Young? Her best friend? Naaah, since she never talks to him. PUAH. Why is this drama so popular? Why a lot of people want to be loved by someone like Kim Tan? Do people want a boring stalker so badly? [Gifs heavy]
Don't you want to slap him?
Don't you want to hug him?
Isn't she the queen of this drama?
Isn't he a thing that shouldn't be allowed?
Rachel is me when Kim Tan/Eun Sang appeared/talked [Reply 1994]Reply 1994 WHERE SHOULD I START FROM. Maybe from the fact that this drama made me feel so many things? That it's beautiful and you should watch it? To be honest, at first I didn't think it would be as good as Reply 1997, but... it was... actually... better??? While Reply 97 was more focused on the main characters and their love story, in this one all the characters are perfectly developed, and each one of them has his own story, his own 'path'. And yes, the love component is strong here too, but it talks more about friendship and about that period of life when you have to make decisions, to understand what you're going to do with your life. And this talked to me a lot. You fall in love with all the characters, to the point that you'll ship everyone with everyone just because you want them to be happy. Sam Cheon Po was my personal star of this drama. They were all awesome and I love them, but he was GREAT. And a special mention for Binggurae too, because I think he's the one who has grown up the most (and also because my heart was in pain everytime he appeared ;_;) He's the most confused of them all, at first; he doesn't know what he wants to do in the future, he doesn't know what/who he loves. But then he arrives at one point where he 'fills all the blank spaces in his life', and that was beautiful ;_; Am I happy about Na Jung's husband? YES, yes I am. But I would've been happy with the other choiche too, tbh. The soundtrack was amazing, and I was surprised to see that I know a lot of old korean songs?? Thank you, Immortal Song and idols who cover old songs, thank you. Oh, and the cameo of Reply 1997's cast was cute T___T (I'd like to put a lot of gifs but I'm worried to do spoilers, so just go on my reply 1994 tag on tumblr.
Special mention to Yakou Kanransha: it aired at the beginning of the year but I watched only recently: WATCH IT. IT' AWESOME.