Knight-in-Dull Armor

Sep 05, 2014 00:07

Knight-in-Dull Armor
For: maknaeroli
Rating: PG
Length: 3,110 words
Summary: "I made a promise 18 years ago. I intend to keep it."
Warning(s): genderbent!Luhan, genderbent!Chen
Author's Note: This was actually quite amusing to write. I wanted to make it longer but knowing me, I would probably ruin it if I write more than my limit.

The sun rose over green hills, the birds nestled in the trees taking flight as they began their morning song. The trills and chirps sounded all around the countryside as they flew through the air, cutting through the crispness of the cold temperatures enough to get the roosters crowing. Windows soon opened, people yawning as they began their daily routines in the Kingdom of Dawn. Bakers prepared the bread, farmers brought out their stock, the buzzing of early morning chatter starting to sound in the air as the sun rose higher, casting it's warm rays on the buildings. On the highest point in the kingdom was a castle made of grey rocks; the exterior of the castle walls was strong and fortified, the bright, flaming red flags of the kingdom flown high and proud upon the turrets. The royal family lived there, a well admired King named Minseok, his wife Queen Jongdae and their only child, Princess Luhan.

The King was a favourite of the people, his round face shining with kindness but the look in his eyes showed the wisdom he had acquired through the course of his life, his voice radiating authority as he commanded the troops. While the man was out in the field with his army and leading the kingdom, the castle was headed by the Queen. She was a beautiful woman, face full of sharp angles that could cut as much as her jabbing remarks but the cheeky curve of her lips made it hard to take some orders seriously. Though she was playful, she was wise and independent, not having to rely on her husband to keep the castle in check. Queen Jongdae would sweep through the halls, gliding through rooms and sat at the head of the meeting table with the King, listening so she could offer her advice to her husband after the meeting was adjourned. Under her watchful gaze, the only heir and child, Princess Luhan, was raised a picture of perfection. She was trained in the art of calligraphy, literature, history, calculus and even excelled in fitness. At an older stage of childhood, her father had her taught in the ways of sword fighting, "the future ruler of this kingdom should know how to defend themselves and their people" he had said when the Queen had protested against the lessons but soon gave into the reasoning. By the tender age of 18, Princess Luhan was already a wonderful candidate to rule the kingdom once her father had stepped down, much to her parents and the people's pleasure to have such a beautiful and witty Princess waiting for the crown.

That morning the sunlight hit Luhan's room a few minutes after rising, the golden glow setting alight the decorations on her wall with a fresh glint. There was a shuffling outside the heavy wooden door before it was pushed open to reveal a maid carrying a basin of water, a towel draped on her arm. Following her was a maid with her undergarments, a maid with her dress, a maid to do her hair, and a maid to wash her. Luhan woke to the gentle touch of one of her maids, straight black hair messy and sticking up in random tufts from her sleep. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, her bare feet were instantly slipped into a fluffy pair of slippers, her body moving her over to the basin where her face was washed. Instantly awake, Luhan shuffled towards the bath where one of the maids had already set up, temperature just right with a nice layer of raspberry scented bubbles on the surface. Her hair and body was washed, squeaky clean and radiant when she was patted dry by other maids standing by. The dress choice for that particular day consisted of a baby pink dress with white lace overlays, body shaped by a corset and strong legs in sparkling pink diamond-encrusted white heels. Luhan sighed as her hair was done up, loops and plaits wrapping over each other into an intricate pile on her head before the tiara was placed in its position on her head, other jewellery such as earrings and necklace following after.. Lastly, her bare shoulders where covered with a mesh scarf, also pink and white lace gloves were pulled up to her elbows. Glittering fan in hand, Princess Luhan departed from her room, nose and stomach intent on finding its way to the dining hall to feast on the morning delicacies.


Slow footsteps padded on the trimmed grass, the folds of the silk dress brushed against each other and heeled feet glided through the garden. gentle breeze blowing loosened long locks of black hair around the round face of the princess. She walked through the royal gardens with her maid in tow, eager to have some time to herself after spending her morning with her tutor and lunch with her father, her mother off on a rampage after finding out that the stable boy had forgotten to feed their most prized stallion that night. Luhan sighed, eyes closing to feel the caress of the wind on her skin and the warmth of the sun on her smooth cheeks, sitting at a little gazebo her father had ordered to be built for her. The sound of leaves rustling and birds chirping filled her ears, her soul settling and soon, Luhan was dozing off into a dream full of knights in shining armor saving princesses from dragons. A shadow fell over the sleeping form, the change in lighting and temperature on her skin, the princess frowned and squirmed in her spot, peeking an eye open and staring up at the people in front of her.

King Minseok stood there peering down at her with his eyebrows raised, as if questioning her positioning on the benches under the gazebo. Her long lashes fluttered as her gaze fell on the figure next to her beloved father, the outline was of a knight, armor making him look extremely tough looking but once he stepped closer, she couldn't help letting out a snort of laughter which her father eyed her with a frown. The maid stoode behind, staring at the knight with wide eyes and Luhan could almost see the hearts shooting from her eyes.

"Father. May I inquire as to what brings you out here?"

"I wanted to introduce you to Sir Kyungsoo who has returned from an 18 year expedition around the world. He has indicated that he has brought back presents and stories for you." There was an unusual twinkle in Minseok's eyes. "He knows you do not remember much as he left when you were quite young but he intends to... fulfil promises he made back then. I do hope you two could become good friends once again."

The knight bowed his head, keeping it down as the king left the two younger people in each other's company. With a wave of his hand, he dismissed the maid and she took one last longing look at Sir Kyungsoo before scurrying off, no doubt to whisper and swoon over the man. Luhan, however, gave the man a once-over, as if judging his armor and the faded wooden box in his arms. His brown hair was swept back by the wind, locks falling into place naturally, framing a round but mature face, round cheeks set under round orbs of dark chocolate, opened wide as if surprised or judging. Small button nose was above thick lips that stretched into a beautiful heart-shaped smile. The hands that held the box out where small and almost delicate-looking if Luhan couldn't see the roughened skin of his knuckles. The wood of the box was plain and faded, the painted designs weathered away but she could make out the picture of a princess and a knight, a dragon blowing fire between them. It was a picture she had painted when she was a little girl, she vaguely remembered painting it on a new wooden toy box but then it went missing, Luhan had assumed that the servants had changed it because it was getting too small to fit all her toys. Looking up into his eyes, Luhan reached to lift the lid, eyes widening at the contents.

Filled to the brim were an assortment of trinkets, gold bangles and silver necklaces, silk gloves and jewelled headdresses, various dolls of different cultures and sizes filled the spaces as well as a neatly tied stack of envelopes. The yellowing parchment showed how old some of the ones at the bottom of the stack were. Luhan looked up at the man, his face bringing back a faint memory but she dismissed it to question him instead.

"What are all these?" She indicated to the letters, all sealed and addressed to her neatly.

"Eighteen years ago, I was 6 and you were 4. You wanted to see the world and that you would have a strong knight to protect you. I swore that I would give you the world and become the man that you could rely on so when Sir Suho offered to take me on his travels, I took the chance so I would be able to bring you the world in the box you had decorated just for me. I wrote a letter at every place we arrived, but I was too chicken to sent them to you. But now that I'm back... I guess I can tell you myself."

Kyungsoo smiled, a weak smile on his lips as if he was reminiscing about something sad. He placed the box on the bench next to Luhan, taking slow steps backwards, bowing before completely leaving her alone with the box. (What Luhan didn't know was that Kyungsoo was just around the corner from her since she was by herself.)


It was two days after Kyungsoo's return that Luhan approached him, asking for recounts

of certain events from his letters, wanting to hear the extra details that were probably omitted

from the written accounts. He gladly amused her with his stories, giving accurate descriptions while acting out certain exciting scenes. The maids watched from the doorways, eyes wide and dreamy smiles on their faces, perhaps daydreaming about him. Luhan found him eccentric and interesting, loving the way he became so relaxed and carefree in her private quarters compared to being in the court where he remained stoic and stone cold. That night was no different, Kyungsoo had arrived a little after supper in a plain tunic and pants, looking so mundane and boyish but Luhan had seen the flashes of muscle hidden under that shirt. He had taken his usual spot on one of her chairs and waited for her to indicate which of his stories he should recount that evening, however, Luhan had other thoughts.

"Kyungsoo... Did you miss me a lot when you first left? It must have been hard right "

"I..." Kyungsoo hesitated, not sure if he was allowed to speak such things, "I did. Very much, your highness. Every day I thought about going back, coming back and spending more time with you... but I couldn't, I was just a runt, I knew I wouldn't be able to protect you."

Luhan's cheeks heated up, looking away from his face shyly and distracting herself by playing with a small plush elephant Kyungsoo had bought her in Thailand.

"But I am back now and I am willing to give my life for you. I'll fight off dragons for you..."

Kyungsoo's voice trailed off, realizing how his words seemed to hold much more intimacy now that they were older and not little children anymore. He coughed awkwardly and bowed his head, standing up and moving towards the door.

"T-That was irrational of me to say, your highness. Please e-excuse me."

Before Luhan could utter a word, he was out the door, the scent of peppermint and rain the only indication that he was ever there. Luhan had gone to bed that night confused, not whining when the maids piled extra blankets on her legs, usually kicking and complaining about the weight until they took them off. When the candles were puffed out, Luhan was left with nothing but the moonlight to look at the little locket the size of her palm that had been at the bottom of the treasure box Kyungsoo had given her, barely able to see the little pictures inside. One was a little painted picture of her when she was little, in a frilly dress with lots of ribbons and bows. The other side had a painting of a little boy with big smile, eyes forming into crescents from how wide it was, Luhan smiled at the young version of Kyungsoo, almost cooing at the painting from how adorable he looked.

With a sigh, she put the locked down, the cool metal settling on her chest in her cleavage. Luhan was about to settle into the plushness of her pillows when she spotted the dark shape at the foot of her bed, moonlight beaming through the window to glint off the long metal blade, catching at the sharp point. The figure was tall and thin, wearing all black with his face covered with a cloth. Taking a lungful of air, Luhan screamed shrilly, rolling off the bed when the man lunged at her, sword impaling the pillow that she had occupied just seconds before. He flung the pillow off and she ran blindly through the falling feathers towards the door. She could hear the thumping footsteps on the wooden floor behind her and she screamed again, tears starting to form in her eyes as she wished that this was all just a nightmare. Her doors opened when she was in arms reach, the panicked faces of her maids and her parents appeared. Luhan fell into her mother's embrace as the man who had tried to kill her ran at the sight, knowing he was outnumbered. There was a yell and a image of someone running past, the brief flash of Kyungsoo's face had Luhan yelling for him to stop. But Kyungsoo didn't stop, he chased the assassin as if his life depended on it, brown hair swaying as the cold night air whipped at his face.

A shaken Luhan was coaxed back into bed, pillows replaced and maids flitting around to make sure that every hiding place was checked and that the princess isn't alone during her panic. Queen Jongdae sat by her, hand holding Luhan's own as the girl shook under the covers. King Minseok had run off to question the royal guards and to discipline the men on duty, the security upgraded to red alert. Kyungsoo returned to check up on the princess about a hour later, small cuts on his face and a black cloth clutched in his hand. He held it to the Queen, the image of a red dragon was embroidered on the fabric, the Queen let out a gasp and waved a maid over, instructing her to call the King when said man burst through the doors, face red and eyes wide.

"They're coming."

The room went quiet, Luhan wasn't sure if anyone was breathing at that point until her mother pulled her up, pushing her into the adjoining bathroom and pushing a bag full of clothes she had pulled from under the bed into Luhan's arms.

"Change into these. We'll get everything prepared for you."

Luhan had barely pulled on the tights and boots when there was a loud boom in the distance, a

flare of fire lighting up the room and she swung the door open in panic, her mother quickly dragging

her through the hallways to the back of the castle where the stables were. Waiting there were the servants and her father, all of them wearing a face of grim sadness. Her horse, a black mare, was standing there with her saddle harnessed securely. Luhan looked at her mother with a frown, what was happening?

"I'm sorry my darling. You have to leave here. Our armies are strong but we still can't risk having you here in the castle."

"But mother, where am I to go? How will I survive out there alone?"

"Luhan, my dearest daughter," King Minseok spoke up softly, his tone reflecting the mood as he took her hands in his, "You have grown up well, but now you must learn to rely on yourself, you will head to our castle by the sea. You will be safe there. Whatever happens, I want you to know that your mother and I love you very much... and I'm sure the person assigned to protect you loves you just as much."

Kyungsoo stepped forward, holding to the reigns of his own horse, a strong white stallion, towering over the knight. He kneeled down just as there was another flare of fire in the distance, head bowed in front of the princess.

"I swore that I would protect you no matter what. I will keep you away from these red dragons even if I am to lose my life, so long as you live on, I will be happy. Please allow me this honor, your highness."

Looking up at her parents with glossy, tear-filled eyes, Luhan gave them both a long, tight hug, not knowing when the next time they will see each other again, if ever. Looking down at the knight still kneeling at her feet, Luhan reached down and placed her hand on his shoulder plate.

"Protect me well, my knight in dull armor."

There was soft chuckles in the night as everyone took the liberty of one last laugh before the two departed. The servants formed a path for the horses all the way to the back gate of the castle grounds, all of them teary as they waved goodbye to their beloved princess. The black and white stallions neighed loudly, rising up as their masters took the reins, tugging them and digging their heels gently into the soft sides. Starting to gallop into the dark forest that laid on the other side, Luhan took one last glance back, the life that she once knew wouldn't be the same after, long hair streaming behind her in the wind, Luhan let her tears fall as the people she had known all her life got smaller and smaller in the distance until they were no more, Kyungsoo leading her into the darkness of the forest, to a place where she will have a new outlook on life, waiting for news of her parents and the kingdom she loved so much.

-- Story finish....or is it?--

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