Title: And I Feel Fine
fluffyllama Team: Winter
Prompts: Crucio, Oliver Wood
Pairing/Genre: Ron Weasley/Oliver Wood
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,666
Warnings: Short torture scene, not graphic.
A/N: Thank you to Caroline as always for her invaluable help looking this over.
And I Feel Fine )
Comments 16
Ooh, a hurting Ron and comforting Oliver. I love the glimpse into Ron's mind and there are some fabulous things you've found, like It was the familiar sights and smells of Gryffindor Tower and the Quidditch changing rooms, he decided by the time he'd finished his tea and was on his second beer. The boys' dorm rooms, the showers and boys' lockers. That uniquely masculine flavour of places that were untamed by the hand of a woman, and probably even house elves feared to tread for horror at the rampant testosterone and potentially lethal foot odour. God, that describes the state of boys so well I just may have to borrow it some time. :D
Excellent writing all around. Well done!!
God, that describes the state of boys so well I just may have to borrow it some time. :D
Hehe, feel free. You can tell I have two brothers, can't you? Hee.
such a lovely fic!
Wonderfully done.
The h/c thing worked so well. The hair stroking was gorgeous and the family breakfast really well written.
Great story.
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