... shaking their meat to the beat ...

Sep 08, 2010 09:43

The Doctor went to Camelot yesterday!

And he (and myself obviously) is very thankful to chaosmaka (and also to luisadeza) for all the driving! As I am a whimp when it comes to driving other people's cars and especially driving on the motorway :( I really need to get more secure with that.

Spent a lovely lovely day in Pierrefonds, I am so happy we had the chance to go :D More later. And pictures, which everyone has seen a million times before but whatever, and some of them have us as well, so there ;)

Oh, and before anyone asks: we have "only" seen ASH, Dale McCready, Jeremy Webb and various crew members, who were stalking us ;P


ooh clementine, french adventure, doctor on tour, camelot, sabrina is to blame for nothing, sneaky daytrip ftw, friends, the bbc stalks us

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