[kh fic] My Girlfriend, Who Lives in Canada (AU, Part II)

Aug 04, 2007 14:49

I'm not ashamed to say it, writing this makes me happier than I have been in weeks.

Title: My Girlfriend, Who Lives In Canada (2/?)
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Rating: T
Pairings: Axel/Roxas + others
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine.
Summary: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single high school boy in possession of a good libido, must be in ( Read more... )

axel/roxas, fic, canadagf, slash, au, kh, music

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Comments 102

ayonoi August 4 2007, 20:07:21 UTC
*dies* Hahaha, for some reason, this fic makes way more sense after seeing Roxas and Axel kissing at CFUD (and a few doujinshis spared by a friend of mine). And then, I can't get that stupid "Sexy Back" video made by someone where Axel sings XD. Yeah, he brings sexy back alright.

Oh boy, new drool worthy pairing for me. Thanks for this neat chapter.


ronsard August 4 2007, 20:12:33 UTC
They did? When did this happen? You know, don't make me paranoid, I don't even follow CFUD but after what some of the RPers did to Des I'm just freaking terrified of the place. My fandom presence is fragile, I won't be able to deal with Teh Wank.

...speaking of presence, long time, you ♥

I remember you talking about that video when we had dinner together in February. Back then I didn't even know what the KH was XD Times, they change, they change.


ayonoi August 4 2007, 20:23:50 UTC
Don't worry, the reason why I said that was because I could see the characters together more easily, not that the story itself reminded me of what happened in the thread. It was all about "walling" a 15-year-old in response to the LJ crap that happened yesterday. It was pretty funny and then other people got walled XD. Here is the link:

I really regret what happened to Des with the Naruto players but they made their own decision.

hahah, yeah, long time no see girl *much love*. I guess I need to find that video in YouTube and just giggle like a madwoman XD.


ronsard August 4 2007, 22:05:06 UTC


beaucadeau August 4 2007, 21:02:16 UTC
Fuck, I have to go to work but it's only for two hours and then I shall read and be merry!

P.S. I might be in NYC come October. I stress the might.


ronsard August 4 2007, 21:22:35 UTC
Oh~! ♥ But when in October? For I might not be there. Might not.


beaucadeau August 5 2007, 18:44:24 UTC
Last weekend in October.


ina_noranaya August 4 2007, 21:36:44 UTC
This is crazy, you know? But crazy-awesome, 'cause it has bits like this: Roxas choked, in a totally manly way. Amd Axel is random, spastic, and completely Axel.

I'm not sure if reading this while listening to French pop ("Belle Demoiselle") is healthy, but it's fun.


ronsard August 4 2007, 21:56:18 UTC
Can I have the song? I think it'd be fun. This entire fic is like a pop song anyway, stupid and sugary and completely shameless, which is why I enjoy writing it so much :)


ina_noranaya August 4 2007, 22:09:34 UTC
Unfortunately, I've just discovered Christophe Maé myself, so I don't actually have his CD. I've been playing that particular song continuously on Youtube (I abuse that poor website). And, because of "Le Roi Soleil," I can't hear his voice without imagining a guy in a dress. (And then I read this, and the guy turns into Roxas, and my imagination does bad things from there. . . )


ronsard August 4 2007, 22:15:36 UTC
OMG. This song is awesome. I will hunt down the mp3 version until my fingers give out, unf.

Are you saying... you want Roxas in a dress!fic? Do you? Because... it could be done. I have been watching a lot of K-drama. *crazy eyed*


empath_eia August 4 2007, 21:49:19 UTC

2.) I don't get to beta? *sadface* And I was so looking forward to it... not that there's much wrong with it, just like... two punctuational things I'd change, and one word that doesn't make much sense where it is... ("felt away his customers"). But yeah. Other than that? AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. This fic is my hot hot sex (/obscure and lame Cansei de Ser Sexy ref).

I'm not making any sense this morning. Too hot, too tired, too hungry. Just wanted to let you know that I LOVE THIS FIC and that I'm still more than willing to beta if you want. I'll understand if you don't.



ronsard August 4 2007, 22:01:37 UTC
I WANTED YOU TO BETA. But then I didn't know where you were or how you were doing or whether you still remember agreeing to this, so I got cold feet :| NEXT TIME, SWEETNESS, NEXT TIME.

Though I wouldn't mind finding out what grievous misuse of the English language I've committed this time. I will stand by "felt away" though, because it's a legitimate use of the word, if not a particularly common one. Like, "Channel 4 has been feeling viewers away from midnight reruns of Queer as Folk and The L-Word with a naked anchorman." I don't know why I just typed that.

As to punctuations... ahahaha, what are those? I have to admit, I sometimes intentionally leave in spliced commas and run-on sentences because I like the way they sound. It's because I intrinsically think in Vietnamese, so a lot of times grammar rules get kind of sidelined. My writing tutors wall-rape me for it every time I hand in a new paper, I promise.


empath_eia August 4 2007, 22:06:00 UTC
Awwww. ^____^

Really? I've never heard of that, must be some oddball US thing. XD

The only punctuational thing I really wanted to change was in the first sentence. Anything but a comma between 'wind' and 'bare.' I had to read that sentence about four times before I could figure out which words went with which thought.

I don't remember what the other one was, so it can't have been important.

Anyway. I'm definitely willing, so send stuff over whenever you like. The only time there'll be a biggish delay is when I move to Vancouver in a couple of weeks here. Once I get settled in there I'll be back up to full speed.

Much love to you for writing this in the first place. It totally made my day to wake up to it. XD ♥♥♥


ronsard August 4 2007, 22:12:29 UTC
Moving to Vancouver? CUE ME ORGASMING WHERE I SIT. DUDE. No really, just the other day I was binging on House music and complaining to people how I would totally live in Vancouver, its music scene is rad. Catch all the new indie bands coming out of there for me, love~!

The only punctuational thing I really wanted to change was in the first sentence.

This is exactly what I was talking about. Thanks, I'll change it. Maybe... *skulks off*

I totally sympathize on crappy day because these past two days have been record hot or something for this summer, and I have one fan and it's tiny and on the floor :( Plus, I ate all the cheap pad thai yesterday, NEED SUSTENANCE NOW.


yira_heerai August 4 2007, 21:53:12 UTC
Oh god, I want to be your Axel. *points to him* He's awesome. And it makes me die the way he acts. XDD I love it.

The way he casually dismissed Roxas’s considerably high threshold for personal space suggested a reckless outlook on life as well as a lack of basic survival instincts. Which Roxas kind of knew anyway, given Axel’s penchant for manorexia and driving really fast and, at times, going for days subsisting entirely on caffeine and Malboro Red, like he was some kind of Mary-Kate Olsen in reverse.

I laughed too hard at that paragraph. I can picture you with that, the cigarettes and caffine, though I can't say a thing about anorexia. Love it. Love it *-* nnnng.

*paws at you*


ronsard August 4 2007, 22:04:16 UTC
I am in no way a Mary-Kate Olsen in reverse. In fact, it's the opposite, as I have the Binging Gene of Righteousness. Only fictional men can pull of the Manorexia version, you know ;)

Thanks for reading, babe. I had oodles of fun writing this chapter, simply because I got to mess around with Axel's character a bit more. NO MY LOYALTY HAS NOT CHANGED ONE BIT, THESE ROXAS ICONS LIE.


yira_heerai August 4 2007, 22:10:29 UTC
Ha, I hadn't meant the Mary-Kate part. I was focusing entirely on the caffeine and cigarettes part. I know I've heard enough about you spending your nights writing, chain smoking and living off espressos. So. Yeah. That part, I can totally see.

I myself am probably more like Mary-Kate, as much as I'd hate to admit it. Especially this weekend, augh.

I obviously love your Axel like nothing else. In fact... *wanders off for sneaky*


yira_heerai August 5 2007, 01:30:44 UTC
And you flee when I try to do said sneaky act. Noooooo. *sob*

S'okay XD I was just feeling hyper. ♥ And wanted to fangirl. Is all.


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