White Fungus

Mar 28, 2012 17:47

Today I sold a revised version of my 8,000-word essay, "The First Woman on Mars," to White Fungus, a beautifully-produced English-language Art Journal published in Taiwan. Because of the strong visual-arts orientation of the journal, my essay is likely to be accompanied by several original works of art, photographic and otherwise; I'll be working ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

jenlev March 28 2012, 22:20:22 UTC


ron_drummond March 28 2012, 22:53:44 UTC
Thanks, Jen!


nineweaving March 28 2012, 22:53:05 UTC



ron_drummond March 28 2012, 22:57:59 UTC
Isn't it? I'm so thrilled! I wonder if this is a sign that I should write more...


sovay March 29 2012, 04:14:52 UTC
I wonder if this is a sign that I should write more...



ron_drummond March 29 2012, 16:35:04 UTC
Your encouragement blesses me and has definitely contributed positively to the amount of writing I have done in the last couple of years; thank you. I am eager to tackle more writing projects once Little, Big is finally completed.


sovay March 29 2012, 04:14:39 UTC
Today I sold a revised version of my 8,000-word essay, "The First Woman on Mars," to White Fungus, a beautifully-produced English-language Art Journal published in Taiwan.

Congratulations! That sounds magnificent and worthy.


ron_drummond March 29 2012, 05:14:18 UTC
Thank you! Your choice of words are most encouraging. I do think you would like this journal very much. It was Pauline Oliveros who put them onto me, of all people; and then I went out on a limb in offering the essay to them. Imagine! How is it any of us are here? How telling that we are, and none other.


desultorie March 29 2012, 15:27:23 UTC
Congratulations, and of course you should write more. The universe has been spelling it out in billboards and neon. :)


ron_drummond March 29 2012, 16:20:13 UTC
Thank you. I've really been blessed by having so many wonderful, talented people encourage me -- this includes everyone who has responded to this post. Reminds me, just now, of the title of my favorite J. G. Ballard novel, The Kindness of Women (which is not a sequel to Empire of the Sun in any structural sense, but an entirely independent novel).


ellen_kushner March 30 2012, 00:14:59 UTC
How wonderful! Congratulations, Ron!


ron_drummond March 30 2012, 00:57:40 UTC
Oh, that means so much to me! Thank you, Ellen!


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