Cold, Chance of Stubbornness - drabble

Jan 02, 2011 18:24

Disclaimer: JKR owns it all.

Pairing: Ron/Draco
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 150
Summary: Ron's cold, but Draco is colder. It's unfair!
Note: inspired by slytherin100's prompt 'Warmth', but there's all those extra words, you know?

Draco Malfoy was cold. And Merlin did he hate being cold - especially since he had never been any good at warming charms.

Scolding, he resolutely walked over to the sitting room to loom over Ron who was curled up on the sofa. “You,” he declared accusingly, “are sitting in the only remotely warm spot of this whole damn flat!”

Without a word, Ron held the blanket up and shifted a bit, making room for the other man.

Draco held Ron’s eye for a moment before giving in and accepting the silent offer.

Half an hour later, mellowed by the fact that he could actually feel his own limbs now, he nudged Ron.



“’m sorry,” Draco mumbled.

“Yeah, me too,” agreed Ron with no small amount of relief.

He hadn’t been the first to apologize. Opening the windows to the freezing December wind had paid up in the end.

#rating: pg, ^drabble, author:benebu

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