Arriving at a consensus towards Female Genital Modification.

Dec 20, 2009 11:55

Between Scylla and Charybdis, is it phallocentric oppression or the right to ones ethnic background? Feminazis decry the tradition (usually found in Somalia, Sudan and elsewhere in the region) to force girls to undergo "pharoahnic circumcision". Is it not Eurocentric for wimmin to use "mutilation" a pejorative term rather than modification? What of ( Read more... )

independent minds, tea shock, islam

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Comments 11

Que pasa? ron_broxted December 20 2009, 12:04:50 UTC

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Re: Que pasa? corporeal_v001 December 21 2009, 11:47:35 UTC

It's good to see that you made it clear that this subject matter has nothing to do with Islam.

Also, worth mentioning that the vast majority of Muslims around the world know nothing of this tradition of North African village life.


Re: Que pasa? ron_broxted December 21 2009, 12:05:09 UTC
It certainly has no place in Islam and like the burqa/niqab debate is used as a stick to goad the ignorant. It is not even North African but Horn of Africa, Somalia, Sudan and one or two adjacent areas, more East African.


por que? bob_idle December 20 2009, 16:20:05 UTC
why is it done?


Re: por que? ron_broxted December 20 2009, 16:29:10 UTC
They think a clitoris in a pubescent girl leads to uncontrollable sexual desire. Some wimmin are against "big" labia. They better not go to Belfast that is all I am saying...


Re: por que? bob_idle December 20 2009, 16:37:38 UTC
So the circumcision of men and boys can't be likened to it.


Re: por que? ron_broxted December 20 2009, 16:40:41 UTC
Puzzled that God (who created the universe) should require little Jewish boys to cut off their foreskins to show him allegiance. Medical arguments pro and con are cited for men but "the jurys out". Like dock puppies tails?


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