Love you like a Love Song

Sep 12, 2011 14:33

Title : Love you like a Love Song
Pairing : Yamapi x Oc
Rating : PG
Genre : Romance
Beta: Un-Beta as always so gomen for the mistakes

A/N: this is for heicherry as a promise.  I hope you will like it.

Yamapi packed his stuff with a hurried in his bag while continiously watching his clock.  His band mates looked at him puzzled, we'll they notice him every tuesday he was always hurried in going home or something  this makes his bestfriend, bad mates Ryo do a drastic action.

"Yo Pi what the hurry?" Ryo asked him as he walk to him and help him in picking up his things and put it in his bag.

"Thanks man, I'm just going somewhere. Got to go!" Yamapi said as he zip the bag and grab it and ready to go but Ryo grab his bag and never let it go.  He looked at his friend with a puzzle looked.
"You're not going anywhere without you telling me what going on." Ryo said as he grab the bag and never let it go.
"Okay fine! Come with me" Yamapi said as he hurried run to the door draging his friend Ryo.


Ryo found out that they were in a restaurant near the Yamapi apartment, he looked at his best friend with curiosity in his eyes.

"What are we doing here?" Ryo asked Yamapi as he see his friend looking at the door like waiting for somebody to come in there.

"Oh... she here!" Yamapi said happily like a teen that seen his crush.  Ryo looked at what Yamapi looking and he see a beautiful girl that seat in the nearby table arranging her things on the table.  He looked at his friend he can't believe what he is seing.  Yamapi was blushing and hiding a little like he does'nt want the girl see him, it like he turn in to a baka like Jin.
"Ha ha ha Yamapi I can't believe it.  You're a stalker!" Ryo teased his friend that make the other blushed and hide a little on the plant that near their table.
"Shut up!  I'm not a stalker and I'm not stalking her." Yamapi said to his friend in a whisper but so loud for Ryo to hear.
"Yah right!  How many times did you hurried up to go out this past few weeks and go in  this restaurant just to see her." Ryo said as he cross his arms around his chest.
"We'll... I .... Okay I came here to see her but I'm not stalking her.. it just that she is like a lovesong keep repeating in my head.  You know?" Yamapi said as he sighed and looked again to the girl.  But when he see the girl gazed back he move his eyes on Ryo and that was seen by Ryo.  An Idea comes in his mind and got up and walk to  the manager of the restaurant.
"Hey where you going?" Yamapi said as Ryo got up
"Wait here! I'm going to help you solve this problem." Ryo said as he walk to the manager.
Yamapi was puzzled by the way Ryo acted but wait as Ryo come back to there table but Ryo not get back to the table he was walking toward the girl he admired.  So as to speak he walk toward to Ryo to stop him for what he gonna do.
"Hi, I'm Ryo and this is my friend Yamapi" Ryo said as he approach the girl he see that Yamapi blushed as the girl looked at them.
"We'll.. I'm Eiji.. nice to meet both of you" Eiji smile as she was stunned by the sudden introduction but happy cause he always see Yamapi in that restaurant most of the time she it there and really want to know him.  When a song played in the restaurant.

"And this song is dedicated to you, this is what my friend feeling for you." Ryo said as he walk out of the restaurant seeing his friend and the girl chatting with each other.

It's been said and done
Every beautiful thought's been already sung
And I guess right now here's another one
So your melody will play on and on, with the best of them
You are beautiful, like a dream come alive, incredible
A centerfold miracle, lyrical
You've saved my life again
And I want you to know baby

I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby

And I keep hittin re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat


Next day

Yamapi was hurried in packing his things again, Ryo when over him again.
"So stalker what you're up to this time?" Ryo said to him as his band mates stunned what they heared.
"I'm not a stalker!  We'll thanks to you, I have a date!" Yamapi said as he happy hurried out of the room and singing " I, I love you like a love song, baby. And I keep hittin re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat"

Ryo was just smiled and laughed as his best friend get out of their dressing room.

the end.

c-yamashita tomohisa, entries, request

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