I've slept badly the past couple of nights, in the fun ebb and flow of my anxieties. I think I might be gritting my teeth, but I'm not sure, but it would explain some of the headache-y feelings, I suppose.
I had a dream last night and (
cut for dream talk of a semi-sexual nature )
Comments 21
And I love you for many, many reasons starting with your fundamental awesomeness and ending with you fundamental adorableness and somewhere in the middle is your kindness, strength, and all around amazingness.
Also, you're funny and smart and sharp and you write so well, and you do humor, which is the hardest thing and you give the best Ray Person around.
As for you, I love that while I first found you through fic, I've come to see that you're so much more than that. I love that you so obviously love your family, even though things sometimes get tough, and that you're so incredibly giving and determined.
You always have such interesting things to say, and most of all I feel comfortable in your space, knowing that you don't judge.
Really I think you're kind of awesome ♥
Also ♥.
I love you because you are smart and sweet and funny and you adore Ray Toro and his thighs and you talk about awesome things like slave boys and bondage and were there for me during a tough time with understanding and support. Also, Ray Toro's thighs. (it bears repeating)
And I have a lot of reasons to be very very fond of you indeed--your sex-positivity is one of them, and your strength and stubbornness are other.
And ♥, so much, for the rest. I don't know that I feel at peace with myself as much as I just really think I have the right to be and I think women in general don't feel that way about themselves and they too have the right to, so I can project.
There can totally never be too many photos of pretty girls. (Also, ha, the other day torakowalski said "So what if Laena had a tattoo that really only showed when she played the violin because of how she stood when she did that?" Because she likes to reduce me to incoherency when I'm at work.)
...also, you know, feel free to write more William/Lyn-Z. That'd be A+ too.
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