The ficlets were/are fun! I had a good time with them. And yes, I hope we'll see some Lee & Helo interaction this coming year. I think the two have far more in common than anyone remembers sometimes. And also, they're pretty.
Hee! I was thinking about Lee's rank the other day and it was giving me a headache. ;p
And, yes. I’m a civilian. And whether I quit or the old man fired me depends on whose story you’re listening to.
So true. I'm sure Adama will spin it that Lee walked away, quit. Forget that he called him a coward and a liar and didn't want him under his command.
I can definitely see Help reaching out to Lee here. Though they have had their differences Helo knows what it's like to be the outsider with few friends. I also like the digs you got in at Adama. ;)
I *maybe* have Adama issues. MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYBE.
I think Lee and Helo played the rank teeter-totter more than anyone. They should get prizes! At least as a civilian, Lee'll be easier to keep track of.
I was just thinking the other day that Helo and Lee needed to have the "I know what it's like to do what you think is right and get beaten up for it" conversation. The two of them have that same stubbornness to them, and it would make for a great scene. Oh, you pretty, broken boys.
I also love that Lee's in his own spin and Helo brings him out of it, reminds him that there are still other people hurting and messed up, because Lee's good about wanting to help but it just doesn't occur to him the way it does to Helo.
Lee and Helo have a lot in common. Both outsiders in their own way, though Adama appears to like and forgive Helo a lot more than he does his own son. I suppose we all hold our own kids to a higher standard, but Adama seems to have it right in Lee's face more than most.
Um, sorry. Adama issues.
Also, they are pretty and should have sex. Yes. Oh, right. Help people. Yes. That too.
I'm right with you on the Adama issues. Horrible family in the together, not so bad individually, more atrocious to each other than is at all necessary. Poor Lee. Can I adopt him?
And yes, they should. Under the Viper was a good start. *Grin*
Seriously, Bill Adama makes me want to smack him hard on a regular basis. Even when I relent and think he could be a decent sort of guy, he then does something that makes me want Lee to jump over the desk and throttle him a lot.
I think this kind of life would have killed him. At least, as much as I hate his death, he gets to die the way he would have wanted to - doing his job, doing as Hornblower asked him.
Comments 14
I have loved the ficlets so much. Yay!
Hee! I was thinking about Lee's rank the other day and it was giving me a headache. ;p
And, yes. I’m a civilian. And whether I quit or the old man fired me depends on whose story you’re listening to.
So true. I'm sure Adama will spin it that Lee walked away, quit. Forget that he called him a coward and a liar and didn't want him under his command.
I can definitely see Help reaching out to Lee here. Though they have had their differences Helo knows what it's like to be the outsider with few friends. I also like the digs you got in at Adama. ;)
I think Lee and Helo played the rank teeter-totter more than anyone. They should get prizes! At least as a civilian, Lee'll be easier to keep track of.
I also love that Lee's in his own spin and Helo brings him out of it, reminds him that there are still other people hurting and messed up, because Lee's good about wanting to help but it just doesn't occur to him the way it does to Helo.
Um, sorry. Adama issues.
Also, they are pretty and should have sex. Yes. Oh, right. Help people. Yes. That too.
And yes, they should. Under the Viper was a good start. *Grin*
Oh, William. This just hurts.
See I worry that now that Lee isn't a pilot we won't see him with any of the Galactica people *frets*
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