And a meme!

Aug 11, 2011 11:26

Stolen from inlovewithnight and modified by likeadeuce

Give me a link to one of my fics*, and I'll give you three details that didn't make it into the fic. Background canon, deleted scenes, or a look into the future. My choice, but if you have a specific question you can ask it in your request.

*or, you know, tell me the title or describe it using words or gestures.I don ( Read more... )

monkey see monkey do, writing

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Comments 12

gala_apples August 11 2011, 18:50:15 UTC
I wanna play! I choose to use the shitty description and wild gestures method. :D

Tell me more about the Gabe/Patrick one. The one with Pete sending him to (fill in foreign country, I am crap at geography)

or (or both?)

tell me about the William breathplay one. Long. Probably a BBB? Moooooar.


romanticalgirl August 11 2011, 20:25:58 UTC
Butch & Sundance:

1 - Everyone assumes that Pete was playing matchmaker, but he really wasn't. First of all, Patrick does not have sex, and second of all, he just didn't want Gabe to leave him. It's hard to tell with Gabe when he's serious, and he was going through shit, so it was even harder. Now his best friends are dating and he's not sure how to deal with that sometimes, but they're happy, so he guesses he's okay.

2 - It's weird for Gabe, especially when Pete hits his big depression, because he's with Patrick, but he's Pete's best friend, and part of what is depressing Pete is Patrick. Gabe splits his time as best he can, but Patrick hides his head in the sand (or studio as the case may be), so Gabe is with Pete a lot. Which causes a whole different sort of tension ( ... )


live_laugh_love August 11 2011, 18:55:51 UTC
the one where Nate brings his niece to the park for the Bravo Two picnic - where she follows Ray's dog (I loved that dog)


romanticalgirl August 12 2011, 05:06:10 UTC
1 - The dog is one that Ray brought home from his second tour in Iraq. It is the ugliest dog ever seen and scared of its own shadow, but it is brave when it is around kids, and will protect them with its life.

2 - During the 2 1/2 years they were apart, Nate went out with three guys, but never got further than kissing. It's not that they didn't feel good, it's that they weren't Brad. But being with them the little that he was made him sure that being with Brad was what he wanted.

3 - The night Nate took off, Brad got incredibly drunk and spent the next day throwing up. He didn't talk to anyone for a week, and it took nearly a month for Ray to drag the story out of him. Ray offered to kill Nate, but Brad told him that it wasn't a big deal. He'd be fine. It's just the way it goes. Ray didn't believe him and has several top-secret plans on how to make Nate's death look like an accident should it come to that.


mourning_night August 11 2011, 19:06:43 UTC
I'd like something about Arrival Gates and Departure Times please.


romanticalgirl August 12 2011, 04:33:03 UTC
1 - Mikey found out about everything while he was in Europe because Gabe skyped him and told him what was going on. Mikey thought about going back, but he knows better than anyone that sometimes you need to stand on your own feet, even when it feels like your knees are going to give way. Still, he kept up with the news through Frank and Jamia's nightly conversations and all the gossip sites.

2 - They meet up in Seattle after their respective shows, and it's worth it to walk onto the bus and see Pete sitting there, waiting. There's a frantic kind of energy to him - Mikey knows that Portland was rough because Pete didn't text him - but he knows that Seattle was okay, because Seattle is family and the end of the road. Also, Pete's high as shit, which helps too.

3 - The next day, Gerard asks Mikey if he's worried about Pete, and Mikey says no. He meant every word he said - Pete's stronger than he gives himself credit for.


stellarluna35 August 12 2011, 08:02:08 UTC
Either 21 Guns or its follow-up, please!


romanticalgirl August 16 2011, 04:53:16 UTC
1 - They don't call it dating. They don't call it anything. They just meet and they fuck, but then they meet and they have dinner, and they meet and they talk and then they meet and Brad stays the night and they make breakfast in the morning.

2 - Brad gets sent to the Middle East for a six week deployment that ends up being six months. Nate gets four emails and a postcard and nothing else, but when he opens the door and Brad's standing there, looking like he brought half the desert home with him, he doesn't care. At all.

3 - Nate's working for a think tank in DC when DADT gets repealed, and Brad's training down in Virginia. Brad calls and asks if Nate's seen the morning paper and it takes Nate a few seconds to realize Brad can't see him nod over the phone. He says yes and Brad says good and hangs up. Nate's never seen so many possibilities.


turps33 August 13 2011, 17:59:01 UTC
Going for the vague hand waving method, motorbike brother porn!


romanticalgirl August 16 2011, 05:11:13 UTC

1 - Mikey's not normally aggressive, so when he is, it fucking kills Gerard. Even moreso that the way they live is dirt and dust and sweat, so he knows how he must have felt and tasted on Mikey's tongue, so Mikey wanting it was almost as good as him taking it.

2 - Mikey saw Gerard and got hit with the need for him. Not just for comfort, but for surrender. Gerard forces himself to be strong, to be as close to a leader as they have, but sometimes Mikey hits the buttons that turn him back into Gerard, take Party Poison out of the equation. It's dangerous - like going back, like looking back, but Mikey has to remember what it's like to be human before he forgets completely.

3 - The next time, Gerard fucks Mikey on the hood of the Trans Am, summer heat burning against bare skin. Mikey has red marks on his dick and thighs and chest for weeks after that, and all Gerard has to do is press on them and everything comes flooding back.


turps33 November 21 2011, 21:46:40 UTC
Going through my inbox and somehow I've never replied to this. Which is so wrong because all three are ridiculously hot.

You are amazing. Thank you!


romanticalgirl November 21 2011, 21:52:55 UTC
Mmmmmmm. Waybros are best bros.


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