Feb 27, 2011 14:48

This one’s pretty hilarious!!

So in this episode we get an update on how the battle upstairs is progressing. We meet a new angle, a weapon’s specialist virgil who im assuming got stuck in bizarro land, we meet rafael’s new meat suit which actually looks pretty tough, we also find out that balthazar and castiel are kinda like working together now in a way. We find out nearing the end of the episode that castiel is now well equipped with heaven’s weapons which made Rafael retreat for now… ok, now that we’ve got that out of the way, lets move on with the important stuff!

Parts that I really liked and thought were funny

**balthasar calling castiel “cassie”. For an angel I sure like his style. He’s kinda crazy (or should I say eccentric?) like Gabriel but with more class.

** dean hating make up . their reaction to the set and the whole fake knives was funny. and dean seeing all the impalas was funnier than when dean saw all the impalas at the convention episode last season.

**Kripke! And his death scene, it was so corny that it kinda worked. OCTOCOBRA! Little confused with bob singer though. I thought he was more the silent type, this observation of course is only based on commentary of Jensen and jared in s1’s phantom traveler. But  this bob seems like he’s a little too jolly

**cowboy jared on the wall. even though it looked like a manip, this made me excited for the cowboy episode. I’m definitely excited for that one.

Part where I laughed and couldn’t stop myself from tearing up. I laughed so hard my cheeks got a solid work out from it and I think they have abs now.

**Sam and dean doing takes! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a scene that was very funny that it cause me to tear up. I know that sounds pathetic but yeah I did tear up from the excessive laughing. From missing markers to jareds weird hand gestures(and dancing?!?!?!) that scene was gold.

**Misha - ok didn’t really cry with misha scenes but he was so good! I really liked his humor in real life, based from the cons and his real twitter. But this misha is hilarious too! From misha’s outfit (its so blue) to his girly screams and cries. Him using j squared or j and j was just to good.

Parts where I laughed not because it was funny but because it was so bad (and not the kind of so bad that it turned out to be good. It was just SO bad)

** Ruby/gen crying…can you say awkward? I know the wives are always a sensitive topic in this fandom. I myself only liked ruby in Lucifer rising with the whole feather and dumbo speech. I have nothing against her but her parts in this episode or line deliveries weren’t that good. I’m not saying this to be mean to her or anything but she was so awkward like in her line “do you honestly think that’s funny Jensen?” I wonder if anyone can honestly say that her acting was so natural in this episode.. She looked pretty though… Thankfully the brother’s reactions and facial expressions in the scenes with her were too funny that it was like she wasn’t there at all.

** castiels wings. weird effects again. a major step down from how cool cas' wings where when he was first introduced. what is happening to this visual effects? like the weird white mannequins from the previous episode or sam remembering his soul burning in hell.  although the sam burning part was ok.

Fav caps
Because misha is way too funny with his cellphone.

I don’t think I need to explain why this is one of my fav cap =)

Fav line
Dean on make up: "im a painted whore!"

Now lets watch sam pose??? dance???

hehe ok now i need to re watch it!
(channeling my inner misha)  ... IMHO this episode kicked ass! ROTFLMAO!!!

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