The Purpose of a Kiss

May 28, 2008 18:06

Challenge Nineteen: Bring Out Your Dead!
Title: The Purpose of a Kiss
Wizard/Witch: Severus Snape/Lily Evans
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance
Word count: Exactly 750
Prompt: #38, wizards’ duel
Summary: Severus Snape prepares to duel long-time rival and bully, James Potter, much to the dismay of Lily Evans.

“You don’t need to do this.” Lily Evans sighed, folding her arms across her chest.

Severus Snape ignored her, pulling his dark, greasy hair into a ponytail as he paced the empty Hogwarts corridor. He shoved a hand into the pocket of his robes, wrapping his bony fingers around his smooth, cherry wood wand.

“Won’t you just stick a Spellaberator in your pocket or something?” she pleaded, her green eyes wide with concern. Severus stopped pacing and stared at the floor. Spellaberators were used in Dark Arts class occasionally, when the students practiced mild spells on one another. It would lessen the spell’s blow, helping to keep students from sending one another to the infirmary. Severus shook his head. It wasn’t that he was above cheating, it was just that the one person he was doing this for would know. Ironically, she was also the one person trying to talk him out of the whole duel.

“You don’t think I can win without help?” Severus asked in a low, grainy voice. Lily opened her mouth, then closed it again and sighed.

“It’s just that… James is a very good wizard…”

Severus snorted, but he could feel his stomach beginning to churn nervously. Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea. James Potter had always bullied him. This morning, however, Severus had snapped, challenging James to a duel out on the Quidditch pitch later in the day. He wasn’t sure where the challenge had come from, as he was neither good at dueling nor confident he had any chance of beating James. What he did know, was that Lily had been there and he’d imagined her swooning over his bravery, not trying to desperately talk him out of it.

He suddenly felt a hand touch his shoulder softly, breaking his thoughts and bringing him back to the present. Lily’s face was close to his as she gently gripped him, her eyes like huge, emerald orbs.

“I’m worried for you.”

Severus felt chills run across his pallid skin and his heart leapt within his chest. Lily was the only person in the world who could make him feel wonderful and terrified and embarrassed all at the same time. She could never return affections for someone like him; a misfit, a loner, an awkward boy with an interest in the dark and mellow. It was still a wonder to him how he’d been afforded her friendship. She spun around suddenly and stalked away from him, muttering in frustration.

“And just what spell is it exactly that you’re planning on opening with?” she asked.

He thought for a moment, rolling his wand between his fingers.

“Stupify, I suppose.”

Lily snapped around and shook her head.

“Oh, right. James won’t see that one coming.”

Severus felt a bead of sweat forming on his brow. He realized that beyond impressing Lily, which had dreadfully failed, he hadn’t really thought things through. Still, he certainly couldn’t back out now. Losing would be humiliating, but not even showing up would be unimaginable. Still, he shrugged nonchalantly. Lily pouted, stomping her foot.

Severus loved the way her brows knit together and her lips squeezed into a tight line when she was exasperated. The edges of his own permanent frown turned up slightly at the sight.

“Well, I ought to be going.” he said, puffing out his chest. Immediately he felt foolish and let it deflate.

Lily’s disgruntled expression softened slightly, and she closed the space between them wordlessly. Severus thought she might hit him, and he flinched in anticipation of the blow. What came next was far from what he expected, but still resulted in a dizzy, reeling feeling. Sweet Merlin! Lily was kissing him!

His heart fluttered and his knees wobbled. She cupped his face with a warm, soft hand, pressing her lips against his. Severus stood stone still in fear of somehow ruining what was transpiring between them. He wanted so badly to reach out and stroke the smooth flesh of her cheek or tangle his bony fingers in her vibrant, red tresses, but he did not move. Then, as quickly as it had started, she pulled away. She flashed a brilliant grin then sighed.

“You’re a stubborn git, Severus Snape. Good luck. You’re going to need it.”

With that, she spun on her heels and retreated down the corridor, leaving Severus bewildered. He was also completely unaware that the kiss had not been without purpose. Lily Evans had dropped a Spellaberator in the pocket of his robes.

Author's Notes: This was the result of my third attempt at this prompt. My first two attempts were way too complicated and wouldn’t have even come close to the word count criterion. I also admit it was quite a challenge forming this particular prompt into a het romance story. Still, all in all, I’m pleased with my first submission to this community and look forward to more. J

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